There are a few glorious items of new merchandise available now and first up is this fantastic looking "Trans-Temporal Sonic Screwdriver". It looks gorgeous - sort of like a steampunk version of 11's current Sonic - and it's also compatible with the "Personalise Your Own Sonic Screwdriver" set. This little beauty has 8 sound effects but it's the blurb that accompanies the screwdriver that is most interesting:
With the TARDIS trapped on Earth in a Trans-temporal schism, the Doctor find himself at the centre of four time zones. As with each previous time the TARDIS generates a new sonic screwdriver for the Doctor but this time it is created in the style of each time zone, Elizabethan, Victorian, Present Day and Future London. With additional features including a "wood" setting, the Doctor must try and free the TARDIS before time runs out.
Is this a Season 7 clue? Or is it merely Character Options having fun with the franchise? We'll find out soon enough but, in the meantime, the "Trans-Temporal Sonic Screwdriver" is available now from The Who Shop Online priced £16.99. (We will also shortly be giving away one of these in our next competition).

For Dalek fans, they're finally here. The 5" Talking Daleks. There are 6 of these representing various eras of the show: Dalek Invasion of Earth - 1964; Power of the Daleks - 1966; Planet of the Daleks - 1973; Death to the Daleks - 1975; Revelation of the Daleks - 1985 and Dalek - 2005. These are very detailed and, obviously, the talking aspect is the main selling point. Containing speech and sound fx by era, these are going to sell quickly. These little beauties are available now from The Who Shop Online priced £14.99 each.

Doctor Who Costume Bathrobes. These are due in September and, even though the designs are subject to final approval, they look pretty cool. The designs are Tardis, Silver Dalek, Fourth Doctor and Eleventh Doctor. Rather brilliantly, Eleven's bathrobe comes complete with Sonic Screwdriver in pocket design. You can pre-order these from The Who Shop Online priced £49.99 each.
If you have any questions about the above merchandise or if you simply don't like online ordering and prefer to do it either by phone or in person then The Who Shop contact details are:
The Who Shop, 39-41 Barking Road, Upton Park, London E6 1PY. Tel: 0208 471 2356
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