Music to our ears from Matt Smith in this week's "Radio Times" as, discussing the 50th Anniversary of the show, he says:
"We want to make it as big and bold and as brilliant as we can because, we hope, it can be one of the monumental bits of TV history. But I doubt there'll be a regeneration...
This is a good bit of confirmation following the slight confusion after the BFI screening when Matt said he didn't know where the stories that he'd signed for 2014 had come from because he hadn't signed anything new. Obviously, the news late last year was that Matt had signed for 13 more episodes plus the Christmas Special - which are the episodes we'll start to see on Saturday. The fact that he's talking like this means that, although he probably hasn't signed anything new, he's fully intending to see out the Anniversary year.
Matt, Karen and Arthur are interviewed in the new Radio Times about the Daleks, the Fall of the Ponds, how their lives changed when they joined "Doctor Who", how the new companion is getting on plus Matt briefly discusses his Sherlock audition experience.
The Radio Times is on sale now priced £1.40. If you live outside the UK, then "Life, Doctor Who and Combom have full page scans of the interviews, Steven Moffat's episode guide and the cover page.
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