Steven Moffat took the opportunity to use twitter to calm some nerves and fears regarding the proposed movie this morning. He tweeted:
To clarify: any Doctor Who movie would be made by the BBC team, star the current TV Doctor and certainly NOT be a Hollywood reboot.He later followed up with:
Movie thing: David Yates, great director, was speaking off the cuff, on a red carpet. You've seen the rubbish I talk when I'm cornered.This follows comments from David Yates on the red carpet at the 2011 Britannia Awards where he was interviewed by MTV - full article here. David Yates commented:
"I can't really talk about that because its such a long way away," Yates told MTV News. "We're principally looking for a writer, and we'll start with that. Everything has to start with a great script, so that's more important than [casting]."So, still conflicting reports but as the saying goes: "In Moffat We Trust".
UPDATE: The Radio Times have an article regarding Steven Moffat and the proposed movie in which the Moff elaborates a bit further:
In a statement issued to a national newspaper, Moffat said that Doctor Who is “a vitally important BBC brand with a huge international audience” and one which “not even Hollywood can start from scratch”.
The producer also revealed that as yet “there simply are no developed plans for a Doctor Who movie at the moment” but “if and when the movie happens it will need to star television's Doctor Who - and there's only ever one of those at a time.
"Whatever happens, the BBC and BBC Worldwide will work together to ensure that we don't just get a movie, we get the movie that everyone wants," he added.
I think that just about clears it up.
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