
Friday 8 February 2013

Neil Gaiman talks about Matt Smith and "The Last Cyberman"

In a recent interview with Australian site the, Neil Gaiman briefly talked about his upcoming episode (confirming the title as "The Last Cyberman") together with his thoughts about Matt Smith.  You can read the full interview here but below is the relevant "Doctor Who" snippet:
Talking about the script that Gaiman wrote for Doctor Who (The Doctor’s Wife) the author professes his fandom begun at age three. He recalls hiding behind the sofa at his grandparent’s house during The Web Planet (1965). Neil laughs describing it as “my first televisual terror”. But as for a favourite Doctor, Gaiman is undecided? “I think it’s really hard,” he ponders. It used to be Patrick Troughton, because he was my doctor, the one I grew up with. Yet, Matt Smith is amazing, and it’s writing for him that gives me an increased awareness of how amazing [he is]. He is technically one of England’s finest actors. Matt for me is the only Doctor who really feels a thousand years old and a kid – he really is this ancient space alien.” 
When talking about upcoming work Gaiman mentions a new Doctor Who script. “I’ve written [one] that broadcasts in May. It guest stars Warwick Davis, Tamzin Outhwaite and Jason Watkins. The episode is called The Last Cyberman.” Pushed for more information, Gaiman responds, “It’s about identity, it’s about responsibility and it’s about porridge.”
Following his wonderful episode, "The Doctor's Wife", Gaiman has set high standards.  Whilst "The Last Cyberman" doesn't sound as emotional as "The Doctor's Wife", I rather think we're in for yet another treat from the Gaiman pen.  Can we have an episode from him every year please?

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