
Friday 8 February 2013

Doctor Who - Celebrating 50 Years of Fandom

FTS Media are planning a documentary to find out what 50 years of "Doctor Who" means to the fans themselves.  There will be interviews with writer Robert Shearman together with a host of fans - and this is where we come in.   They need backers in order for them to interview and contact as many fans as possible. This isn't just any old documentary though - we've seen previous ones where fans have been portrayed in a rather negative light.  This documentary will do just what it says on the tin - "celebrate" fandom and the passion that not only kept the show alive but is helping it go from strength to strength.

There are various packages for backers - and you can see them all on their Kickstarter Pledge page.  You can back the project with as little as £1 but, personally, I've selected the £20 package (you get a limited and rather beautiful "Doctor in the Dark" Matt Smith print as a thank you).  Here are further details about the project and please, please get involved - if only to promote it widely on Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr, etc:

This November Doctor Who celebrates its 50th anniversary, and we want to join in with the party! 
Doctor Who fans are like no other, devoted to the time lord and his companions, but vilified for their passion. We want to know why. Why Doctor Who? Why so much enthusiasm? And why is it so different from any other hobby? 
Where other documentaries have lingered on the negative side of fandom, we want to celebrate the passion that lies within fans of Doctor Who, exploring the Whovian world and how the passion of the fans has kept the show alive. We'll explore how Doctor Who fans have incorporated their devotion into everyday life, from writing blogs and books, to those who make it their mission to collect every TARDIS Teapot, Dalek Duvet and Cyberman Clock!It's these things that we want to explore, because without these passionate fans, Doctor Who wouldn't be back on our screens for it's 50th anniversary celebration! 
The money donated to us through Kickstarter will be spent on a number of things. Mainly this will go towards the costs of equipment hire and post production costs. It will also help support transport to meet the various fans around the world. 
As mentioned, you can back the project at Kickstarter Pledge page

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