
Friday 6 November 2015

Series 10: "Full series of 12 episodes plus Christmas Special"...

With both Peter Capaldi and Steven Moffat seemingly doing the media rounds at the moment, details are emerging about Series 10 and there are a few comments about the scheduling.

In the Radio Times, Steven Moffat says:

"We’re making a full series. I can confirm that. I’m making a full series of 12 episodes, plus a Christmas special. I don’t know when it goes out. That’s up to someone else. And even if I did know – which I genuinely don’t – I wouldn’t be allowed to say so as I have absolutely no say in it whatsoever.

"[But] it’s not being reduced in size. We’re not making fewer episodes. That’s all complete bunk. I can confirm that absolutely."

These comments were backed up by Peter Capaldi, speaking to Lizo Mzimba:

In The Guardian, the bone of contention was the late timeslot, with Peter Capaldi saying:

“I feel it’s slightly used as a pawn in a Saturday night warfare. I feel as if it should go out at 7.30pm or around that time.”

“I see a lot of kids and a lot of families and these families who all love Doctor Who want to sit down and watch it together. I used to do that with my daughter when it came back so it has to be on at a time that’s reasonable for them to do that.”

“And once you get past 8.15pm, you’re getting yourself into adult territory and although a lot of adults really like it, at its heart, it’s designed to do a lot of entertaining of children as well. So I think it begins to move into a zone it doesn’t quite belong in. I feel it’s a shame they’re not given that opportunity,”

Steven Moffat said he didn't think 8.25pm was brilliant for Doctor Who and added:

“Doctor Who’s not designed and built to go out at 8.25pm – that’s Sherlock o’clock. It’s for earlier in the evening. We’re doing fine, once you put the consolidated and then if you do the wicked thing that you’re not supposed to do of adding on iPlayer as well, we’re doing fine.”

So, there we go.  They're definitely filming a full series of 12 episodes and a Christmas special for Series 10.  The sticking point seems to be when (and at what time) the BBC will transmit them.

I would recommend that if you want a closer analysis of the viewing figures (compared to previous years) then head on over to "Life, Doctor Who and Combom" for a table, graph and neat explanation.

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