
Wednesday 22 April 2015

Please donate: Jonathan Bailey's London Marathon Fundraiser

Jonathan Bailey - best known to Doctor Who fans as "Psi" from "Time Heist" (and who also starred alongside Matt Smith in "American Psycho: The Musical") - will be running in the London Marathon on 26 April 2015 and raising money for MND Scotland.

This is not your normal "celebrity raising money for charity" story though.  This one is more personal:
Brilliant people, 
I need your help. 
One of my best mates was recently given some devastating news. 
He is dying, and fast. That, in short, was what the doctors told him when he was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease: a cruel, progressive and debilitating disease. 
There is no cure. 
It is not the news you expect at 29 years old.

I want to do my bit to help.
Doctor Who fans are traditionally a generous bunch - you just have to check out some of the fundraising at conventions to realise this - so I know that you'll give this your full support.

How much you give is not important - every penny will be of help.  If you're not in a position to donate then spread the story around to others.

We only have 4 more days - please make them count.

You can donate online at Jonathan Bailey's Virgin Moneygiving Fundraising Page.

Thank you.

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