
Friday 24 October 2014

"Death in Heaven" - Official Synopsis

It really doesn't seem THAT long ago that we were sitting down to watch "Deep Breath" yet here we are with only 3 episodes of Series 8 left.  Below is the synopsis for the Series 8 finale, "Death in Heaven" which will air on BBC1 on Saturday 8 November 2014:
With Cybermen on the streets of London, old friends unite against old enemies and the Doctor takes to the air in a startling new role. 
Can the mighty UNIT contain Missy? As the Doctor faces his greatest challenge, sacrifices must be made before the day is won. 
Written by Steven Moffat
Directed by Rachel Talalay 
Guest stars: Michele Gomez, Chris Addison, Sanjeev Bhaskar, Jemma Redgrave, Ingrid Oliver

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