
Friday 31 October 2014

Classic Who on the Drama Channel UK

In recent times, those of us who only have access to Freeview Channels, had to sit in envy whilst Satellite Channels "Watch" and "The Horror Channel" aired a variety of Classic Who stories.  However - our time has come!

From Sunday 2 November 2014, the Drama Channel (available on Freeview Channel 20) will be showing Classic Who.  Currently the plans are one story per Doctor to air on Sundays at 4pm - and at the moment, the Drama Channel website only shows the first 6 Doctors (this should change at a later date).  The stories selected so far are:

William Hartnell - "The Aztecs" - 2 November

Patrick Troughton - "Tomb of the Cybermen" - 9 November

Jon Pertwee - "Spearhead from Space" - 16 November

Tom Baker - "Pyramids of Mars" - 23 November

Peter Davison -"Earthshock" - 30 November

Colin Baker - "Vengeance on Varos" - 7 December

Drama will also be airing "An Adventure In Space and Time" on Sunday 2 November at 6pm.

Video - "Introduction to Dark Water"

The BBC have released another "introduction" video and, in this one, Peter Capaldi and Steven Moffat introduce "Dark Water" - which will air on BBC1 on Saturday 1 November 2014 at 8.15pm:

Thursday 30 October 2014

More Images - Matt Smith - "Terminator: Genisys"

The digital version of the new Entertainment Weekly magazine is now available - and with a 10 page feature on "Terminator: Genisys" it's well worth a look (some plot details have been released and they're below the photos).

We still don't know the character Matt is playing in the film series - it's most certainly being kept under wraps - but there IS an American flag on his uniform so he could well be breaking out that US accent again.

There are 2 new photos of Matt from the film in the issue - you can see them below and they're also in the Coppermine Gallery together with the cover image released yesterday:

The plot details revealed in the EW feature focus on the character of Sarah Connor who, in "Terminator: Genisys" was orphaned by a Terminator at age 9. 
"Since then she's been raised by (brace yourself) Schwarzenegger's Terminator - an older T-800 she calls 'pops' - who is programmed to guard rather than to kill.   As a result, Sarah is a highly trained antisocial recluse who's great with a sniper rifle but not so skilled at the nuances of human emotion."
I'm sure there will be those who would prefer a remake but honestly, remakes are boring and dull.  Why not take full advantage of the time travel aspect of the original film series and split it off in a new direction?  Personally, I'm very intrigued and can't wait for more details.

"Terminator: Genisys" will be released in the UK on 26 June 2015 and in the US on 1 July 2015.  The 2nd and 3rd films in the series will follow in May 2017 and June 2018 respectively.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

First Look Image - Matt Smith in "Terminator: Genisys"

The new issue of US Magazine, Entertainment Weekly, which hits news-stands on Friday will feature a first look article about "Terminator: Genisys" - there will also be two collectable covers, one of which features Matt Smith:

Still no word on the character Matt is portraying - all we know so far is that he's a "close ally" of John Connor:
“It’s like going on tour again if you’re Pink Floyd—the audience always wants to hear some of the old songs,” says Matt Smith, the former Doctor Who star who plays a close ally of John Connor. “There are enough nods to the past that people will feel satisfied.”

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Video - "Dark Water" clip

The BBC have uploaded a new "interactive" BBC Original Drama trailer here - it reveals exclusive clips as you click on the hotspots.  Below is the clip from "Dark Water" featured on the site.  Thanks to Life, Doctor Who and Combom:

Happy Birthday, Matt Smith!

Well, Matt Smith has hit the grand old age of 32 today - still a young whippersnapper to a lot of us.   Not only are fans on facebook, tumblr and twitter madly posting photos and gifs in celebration (check out the #HappyBirthdayMattSmith tag on twitter and add your own message) but we've decided to post a few videos of our favourite moments from his career so far.  (If it's photos you crave then we have lots of photos of Matt in the Matt Smith section of the Coppermine Gallery.)  Even the BBC Doctor Who Shop have jumped on the celebration bandwagon and are offering special deals on Matt Smith merchandise - check it out here.

So.  Videos.  First up, a little something from way back in 2007.  A very youthful Matt played Ian Hanley in 2 episodes of Series 2 of "The Street" - and here's a little clip from episode 4:

Clip courtesy of Who Time Team

A bit more recent now - "Moses Jones" - filmed prior to the announcement of Matt as the Eleventh Doctor but transmitted on BBC 1 after, Matt plays DS Dan Twentyman:

Clip courtesy of Luvpunkie

And then there's that cute little short film "Together" (have a look for it on itunes):

Clip courtesy of ILoveUKTV

Of course, we couldn't miss out the intriguing and rather controversial film, "Clone" (originally titled "Womb").  It's definitely thought-provoking:

Clip courtesy of ArrowFilmsUK

Then there's the critically acclaimed "Christopher and His Kind":

Clip courtesy of Who Time Team

In "Bert and Dickie" we got to see a bit of muscle during the rowing scenes:

clip courtesy of Olga P

And, in the UK, we're not only waiting for a release date but also a UK distributor for "Lost River" - we'd love to see more of your muscles, Matt, but we may not get the chance:

Clip courtesy of Movie Trailers

This, of course, wouldn't be complete without "Doctor Who" clips.  The Eleventh Doctor is, after all, someone a little bit special.  Instead of posting numerous small videos, have a 13 minute clip extravaganza instead:

clip courtesy of LaurenOUAT

Happy Birthday, Mr Smith.  We very much look forward to seeing you on screen again soon in "Terminator: Genisys" and "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies".

If you'd like to buy the dvd/blu-rays of some of the shows mentioned above then follow the links below:

The Street - Complete Series 2 [DVD]

Moses Jones [DVD]

Clone [DVD]

Clone [Blu-ray]

Christopher And His Kind [DVD]

"Dark Water" - New Promo Images

The BBC have released a large batch of promo images from "Dark Water" - larger images are in the Coppermine Gallery.

Monday 27 October 2014

Video - "Dark Water" - Official TV Trailer

The BBC have released a short but very effective TV Trailer for "Dark Water" which airs on Saturday 1 November 2014 at 8.15pm:

Sunday 26 October 2014

"Flatline" - Consolidated Viewing Figures

The Consolidated figures for "Flatline" have been released and show another large timeshift audience of 2.11 million, increasing the overnight figure of 4.60 million to a consolidated figure of 6.71 million.

Here are the full consolidated ratings for Series 8 so far:

Deep Breath - 9.17 million
Into the Dalek - 7.29 million
Robot of Sherwood - 7.28 million
Listen - 7.01 million
Time Heist - 6.99 million
The Caretaker - 6.81 million
Kill the Moon - 6.91 million
Mummy on the Orient Express - 7.11 million
Flatline - 6.71 million

Please note that this figure includes UK viewers who watched the episode in the first 7 days after transmission - it does not include those who watched it on iplayer via computers or tablets.

"In the Forest of the Night" - Overnight Ratings

Well, the overnights are back up again - "In the Forest of the Night" scored an overnight rating of 5.03 million which is 0.43 million up on last week's "Flatline".

The consolidated figures on this one are going to be interesting and will be available next week.

Saturday 25 October 2014

Video - Next Time Trailer - "Dark Water"

You will really want to watch this again and again - below is the trailer for the first part of the finale ... "Dark Water" - and it's pretty stunning:

Video - Doctor Who Extra - "In the Forest of the Night"

Here we go - the latest Doctor Who Extra instalment which focusses on "In the Forest of the Night" - spoilers if you haven't seen the episode:

Friday 24 October 2014

Video - "In the Forest of the Night" - Preview Clip

The BBC have released a preview clip from Saturday's "In the Forest of the Night":

"Death in Heaven" - Official Synopsis

It really doesn't seem THAT long ago that we were sitting down to watch "Deep Breath" yet here we are with only 3 episodes of Series 8 left.  Below is the synopsis for the Series 8 finale, "Death in Heaven" which will air on BBC1 on Saturday 8 November 2014:
With Cybermen on the streets of London, old friends unite against old enemies and the Doctor takes to the air in a startling new role. 
Can the mighty UNIT contain Missy? As the Doctor faces his greatest challenge, sacrifices must be made before the day is won. 
Written by Steven Moffat
Directed by Rachel Talalay 
Guest stars: Michele Gomez, Chris Addison, Sanjeev Bhaskar, Jemma Redgrave, Ingrid Oliver

Thursday 23 October 2014

Video - "Introduction to In the Forest of the Night"

The BBC have uploaded another, rather short, introduction video - this time Peter Capaldi and Steven Moffat introduce "In the Forest of the Night":

"In the Forest of the Night" will air on BBC1 at 8.20pm on Saturday 25 October 2014.

Monday 20 October 2014

"In the Forest of the Night" - More Promo Images

Following the release of 2 promo images from "In the Forest of the Night" yesterday (you can find them below), the BBC have now released the rest.  Larger images are in the Coppermine Gallery:

Video - "In the Forest of the Night" - New TV Teaser Trailer

The BBC have released a very short teaser trailer for "In the Forest of the Night" which airs on BBC1 on Saturday 25 October 2014 at 8.20pm.

Sunday 19 October 2014

"In the Forest of the Night" - New Promo Images

The BBC have, surprisingly, released 2 new promo images for "In the Forest of the Night" a wee bit early.  The rest will, presumably, be released at the usual time of midnight tomorrow.  Larger versions are in the Coppermine Gallery.
