
Sunday 27 July 2014

Peter Capaldi Interview and Photoshoot - Sunday Times

Peter Capaldi is interviewed in today's Sunday Times and below you will find scans of the photoshoot accompanying the article.  Larger versions are in the Coppermine Gallery.

In his first interview since being revealed as the new Doctor, Peter Capaldi discusses growing up with the show, his feelings about accepting the role, the evolution of his costume and his rock and roll years with Craig Ferguson.  Highlights include:

On the Cybermen:
"There is a conflict among fans but I'm trying to get the Mondasians back."
About receiving scripts from the producers when he sent them fan mail in his youth:
"It was like being allowed inside the Magic Circle, the point I knew I wanted to be part of this world."
Regarding his Doctor:
"There'll be no flirting, that's for sure.  It's not what this Doctor is concerned with.  It's quite a fun relationship, but no, I did call and say 'I want no Papa-Nicole moments'.  I think there was a bit of tension with that at first, but I was absolutely adamant."
"One thing the show does well is balance the epic and the domestic.  You can go from the edge of the universe to a pedestrian precinct.  This Doctor loves watching stars being born in Andromeda; he's also thrilled to see litter blowing across the supermarket at dawn."
And what about Series 8?
"We still blow a lot of shit up.  That's very important, but it's going to be a bit different from what we've seen over recent years.  A bit more gravity.  Some situations are more sombre and I think there are more rooted dramatic scenes.  Over the past two or three years, which I've loved, there has often been a breathless vigour; we still have that attack but we have another level of drama, another tone.  And the scenes are longer."

The Sunday Times is available from most supermarkets and newsagents priced £2.50.

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