
Tuesday 5 November 2013

Neil Gaiman Revealed as 11th Doctor Ebook Author

The latest - and final - author in Puffin's series celebrating 50 years of Doctor Who has been revealed and, yes, it's Neil Gaiman.  His story is titled "Nothing O'Clock" and features the Eleventh Doctor:
Thousands of years ago, Time Lords built a Prison for the Kin. They made it utterly impregnable and unreachable. As long as Time Lords existed, the Kin would be trapped forever and the universe would be safe. They had planned for everything… everything, that is, other than the Time War and the fall of Gallifrey. Now the Kin are free again and there’s only one Time Lord left in the universe who can stop them!
"Nothing O'Clock" will be released globally to download via sites such as Amazon from 21 November 2013 priced £1.99.

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