
Thursday 7 November 2013

Doctor Who Stars Guest on "Celebrity Antiques Road Trip"

There are to be a few "Doctor Who" related celebs on the new series of "Celebrity Antiques Road Trip" which started on Monday 4 November 2013.  

First up tonight are Simon Williams and Duncan Preston for a jaunt around Essex with experts Phillip Serrell and James Lewis.  This episode is on BBC2 at 7pm tonight.

Next is a rather intriguing pair - Colin Baker and Peter Purves who will join experts James Braxton and Will Axon in Herefordshire and Worcestershire on Friday 8 November 2013 at 7pm on BBC2.

Finally, on Thursday 14 November 2013 at 7pm on BBC2 - are the redoubtable Frances Barber and Phil Davis who will be buying various delights in East Sussex along with experts Catherine Southon and Thomas Plant.

There are 20 episodes in the series and, as details have only been released for the first 10, then you never know who else might show up.  Other non-Doctor Who related guests include the fabulous Hermione Norris, John Thomson, Tim Brooke-Taylor and Graeme Garden.

 "Celebrity Antiques Road Trip", along with it's more settled brother "Antiques Road Trip" are rather guilty pleasures of mine - they're fun...and you will probably find yourself watching the entire run.

You can find out more - and watch clips from previous episodes on the BBC Celebrity Antiques Road Trip site.

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