
Friday 29 November 2013

Dalek Donation - Fundraising for a Great Cause...

There's a fundraising campaign currently active on fundrazr that is of interest to us Doctor Who fans.  I'll let the blurb explain all:

A group of kids at an Autistic group at the school of Isobel Mair School are currently learning filming techniques every Thursday. With it being the 50th Anniversary year of Doctor Who, and many of the pupils being fans of the show what an ideal opportunity to get a couple of props made to coincide with their filming.

Or so they thought, money was raised and given to a local company to produce the props. What they received clearly wasn't worth over £2000 that they had paid. The picture shows you what they received.  

So that's what this project is for, to raise enough cash to give these guys what they need and deserve.

Here's the link for your donations:

Please donate what you can and pass the link around to any Dalek builders/forums and Doctor Who sites etc that you can think of.

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