
Friday 29 November 2013

"The Day of the Doctor" - Video Masterpost - BBC America

BBC America, of course, had a Doctor Who Week - so definitely a few more videos on offer here:

1. Happy Anniversary from Alex Kingston, Arthur Darvill, Karen Gillan and more:

2.  Steven Moffat answers Three Questions:

3. Insider - Matt Smith, David Tennant and Steven Moffat on the return of past Doctors in the 50th:

4. Matt Smith and David Tennant perform lines from Hollywood movies:

5. Matt Smith and David Tennant together - on the honour of Doctor Who:

6. Insider - Filming in Trafalgar Square:

7. Insider - Playing the Doctor:

8. Insider - Ten and Eleven:

9. Insider - In Awe of John Hurt:

Screencaps obviously to follow ...

"The Day of the Doctor" - Video Masterpost - BBC

Both the BBC and BBC America posted a number of videos just prior to and after the broadcast of "The Day of the Doctor".  It seemed a bit silly to post them all individually so here is your "two stop shop" for "The Day of the Doctor" video goodies.

Let's start with the good old BBC:

1.  Happy Anniversary from Matt Smith:

2. Happy Anniversary from Steven Moffat:

3. Tardis Index File: Zygons:

4. "The Day of the Doctor" - deleted scene:

5. Behind the Lens - the Making of "The Day of the Doctor":

6. The Five-ish Doctors (reboot) - you really MUST watch this.  A totally brilliant video where the Classic Doctors try to get involved with the Anniversary special:

Screencaps from most of the above will, of course, be forthcoming over the next few days.  Shortly, we'll post the BBC America version...

Dalek Donation - Fundraising for a Great Cause...

There's a fundraising campaign currently active on fundrazr that is of interest to us Doctor Who fans.  I'll let the blurb explain all:

A group of kids at an Autistic group at the school of Isobel Mair School are currently learning filming techniques every Thursday. With it being the 50th Anniversary year of Doctor Who, and many of the pupils being fans of the show what an ideal opportunity to get a couple of props made to coincide with their filming.

Or so they thought, money was raised and given to a local company to produce the props. What they received clearly wasn't worth over £2000 that they had paid. The picture shows you what they received.  

So that's what this project is for, to raise enough cash to give these guys what they need and deserve.

Here's the link for your donations:

Please donate what you can and pass the link around to any Dalek builders/forums and Doctor Who sites etc that you can think of.

Thursday 28 November 2013

New Photoshoot - Matt Smith by Al Seib

Al Seib is a renowned photographer at the Los Angeles Times and below are the pics from his photoshoot with Matt Smith.  As usual, right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions:

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Excel Convention - More Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman Press Photos

More images of Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman from the Press Photocall at the Excel 50th Anniversary Convention have cropped up.  As usual, right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions:

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Matt Smith - "American Psycho - The Musical" - Mr Porter Interview and Photos

The website, Mr Porter has a couple of photos and an interview with Matt Smith about "American Psycho - The Musical" which premieres next week (3 December 2013 - 25 January 2014) at the Almeida Theatre, London.  Right click and open in new tab window for larger versions of the photos.

Talking about the show, Matt says:
"It's a big leap over a strange chasm, with what appears as an endless black hole below," he says, eyes wide, while in the middle of a daily schedule of intense rehearsals, vocal coaching and morning gym sessions. "Although there are similarities, too: both characters are aliens in their universe, both consider what they wear to be relevant and important. I think one considers himself more of a hero than the other... and one is actually more of a hero than the other. Guess who! 

"What I enjoy about them both is the alien qualities, the otherness to everyone else around them; and what attracted me to Bateman was the lunatic - the mad serial killer, yes - but also the sociopath, the fantasist trying so hard to fit in that he goes on a killing spree... or does he? In many ways, his madness is his normality."
 To read the full interview, head over to Mr Porter

"The Day of the Doctor" - Ratings and AI Figure

The first figures are in and they make rather good reading.  In the UK, "The Day of the Doctor" managed overnight ratings of 10.2million, beating "The X Factor" which achieved 7.7million.  These figures include those who watched it live on BBC1 and who recorded and watched it prior to 2am - they do not include iplayer or cinema screenings.  The full BARB figures are due next week.

Cinema screenings in the UK were pretty fantastic - the show took £1.7million at the box office, placing it in third place for the weekend behind "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" and "Gravity".

The Audience Appreciation Index figure was also pretty good - it achieved a figure of 88 - anything over 84 is considered "excellent" and it's even more impressive when one considers the large audience.

Christmas Special - Title, Synopsis and Promo Pics

Well, hot on the heels of the fantastic "Day of the Doctor", the BBC have now released the title, synopsis and a couple of promo pics from Matt Smith's final episode which is due to air on Christmas Day - as usual, right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions of the promo pics:

"The Time of the Doctor" is the title and the synopsis reads:
Orbiting a quiet backwater planet, the massed forces of the universe’s deadliest species gather, drawn to a mysterious message that echoes out to the stars.  And amongst them – the Doctor.  Rescuing Clara from a family Christmas dinner, the Time Lord and his best friend must learn what this enigmatic signal means for his own fate and that of the universe.

And here's the teaser trailer in case you missed it:

Monday 25 November 2013

Excel Convention - Press Photos

Courtesy of, below are assorted press photos from the Excel Convention.  The photos feature Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Matt Smith, Jenna Coleman and Steven Moffat.  Right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions:


Photos - Excel Convention - Matt Smith, Jenna Coleman

A batch of photos from the "Eleventh Hour Panel" at the Excel Convention featuring Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman have been uploaded to the Flickr Gallery.  Samples below - right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions - feel free to take and use:

Photos - Excel Convention - Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy

Back from temporary hiatus bearing gifts.   Photos from the "Regenerations Panel" featuring Peter Davison, Sylvester McCoy and Colin Baker have been uploaded to the Flickr Gallery.  Samples below - right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions - as usual, please feel free to take and use:

Tuesday 19 November 2013

The Who Shop, London - Weekend Signings Announced

The Who Shop, London have announced a couple of signing sessions for this upcoming weekend.

First, Nicola Bryant will be at The Who Shop on Sunday 24 November 2014 between 11am and 3pm.  Nicola will be signing photos and dvds.

Next, on Monday 25 November 2013, Jessica Carney will be signing her revised book, "Who's There" about her grandfather, William Hartnell, between 11am and midday.

The Who Shop is located at 39-41 Barking Road, Upton Park, London E6 1PY - telephone 0208 471 2356.  In fact, if you're in London this weekend for the 50th Anniversary Convention, The Who Shop isn't that far from the Excel Centre - it's about 10 minutes by bus if you take the 147 from Victoria Dock Road.  If you fancy walking then it's about 40 minutes - go straight up Prince Regent Lane (1.2 miles) until you get to Barking Road, turn right onto Barking Road (0.6 miles) and The Who Shop is on the left:

View Larger Map

Video - David Tennant introduces "The Day of the Doctor"

The BBC have released a rather cute "spoof" video with David Tennant introducing "The Day of the Doctor":

Video - Jenna Coleman on "Daybreak"

Jenna Coleman was a guest on today's "Daybreak" - talking a bit about "The Day of the Doctor".  The video is below - courtesy of Blogtor Who:

Monday 18 November 2013

Photos - Doctor Who Buckingham Palace Reception

Courtesy of and the BBC, below are photos from tonight's reception at Buckingham Palace to celebrate 50 years of Doctor Who.  Right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions: