
Tuesday 8 October 2013

BBC Confirm Missing Episodes Returned

It's taken what seems like an eternity but finally we have confirmation from the BBC that a number of missing episodes have been returned.  In an article on the BBC News site, Lizo Mzimba reveals that "a number of early episodes of Doctor Who, which were believed to have been permanently lost, have been returned to the BBC."  The article goes on to say:
BBC Worldwide is expected to confirm the find at a press conference in London later this week. 
It follows weeks of speculation that some lost episodes had been located. 
A total of 106 episodes featuring the first two actors to play the Doctor, William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton, are currently missing. 
The BBC destroyed many of the sci-fi drama's original transmission tapes in the 1960s and 1970s. 
However, the majority of the episodes had been transferred on to film for foreign broadcasters. It is often these prints found in other countries that are the source of retrieved episodes.
Speculation is now rife as to which episodes have been returned with "Web of Fear", "Enemy of the World" and "Marco Polo" being amongst the front-runners.  Details of how to watch the recovered episodes is apparently to be revealed later this week.

Finally, this year, we have something to cheer about.  News like this automatically makes today a very good day indeed.

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