
Monday 9 September 2013

Monday Madness - Classic Doctors Protest...

With grateful thanks to Conor Keegan who came across something completely surreal this morning and had the presence of mind to photograph it - it appears that Peter Davison and Sylvester McCoy were protesting the lack of involvement of Classic Doctors in the 50th Anniversary outside Television Centre - Colin Baker also arrived just after these photos were taken:

The placards read "No Classics?  No 50th!!" and "Have a heart - Classic Doctors want a part".  Before you think they've both had a sudden rush of blood to the head, if you look closely at the next two photos, you can see camera/microphone on the right.  Conor Keegan has also confirmed that there were 2 cameras there - one close and one on the other side of the road...both trying to keep a low profile:

I'm going to put this little bit of strange Monday madness down to a dvd extra...or something to go online nearer the Anniversary.  Whatever it is, it's certainly brightened up a dull Monday morning and made me realise that I really do love these guys - the Classic Doctors have an obvious love and affection for the show so I take my hat off to matter what they're up to....

Photos copyright to and published here with the permission of Conor Keegan - thank you very much!

UPDATE: it appears Peter Davison is filming a short tongue-in-cheek film for the 50th - so it could well be to do with that.


  1. OMG, that promises to be hilarious. So glad that Peter Davison is the cheeky minx he is :-) Can't wait to see it!

  2. I'd love to see the "classics" in the 50th episode. I sure hope they can work them in somehow! :)

    1. Don't bet against it. Remember Matt said "paintings" on the Jonathan Ross Show - my theory is that they'll use their voices...and maybe "paintings" of them.
