
Tuesday 26 March 2013

Radio Times - Interviews and Episode Guide

The new issue of the Radio Times - available from today - has a rather nice 4 page spread about "Doctor Who".  Both Matt and Jenna are interviewed and, of course, we get the ubiquitous episode guide by the Moff.

Matt talks about "bulking" up and admits he goes to the gym about three times a week.  As ever, he's asked about his future on the show and has this to say:
"Forever!  I came back and put the costume on for the photoshoot today.  At the risk of sounding self-indulgent and cheesy, it really does make you want to go back and start shooting.  I'm attached to the show for the next year and I take it year by year.  I think that's the only way you can take it."
The interesting thing, for me, was Matt's response to claims we're getting short shrift as far as episodes etc in this Anniversary year:
"But I think there's only so much you CAN shoot.  There's a Christmas special and eight episodes, there's the 50th anniversary and on top of that you've got Mark Gatiss writing a script, plus you've got live events, things taking place around the world simultaneously.  There's only so much you can make without compromising the quality.  It will be everything it needs to be, the anniversary.  And in November there will be a right old party."
Quite right - give me quality over quantity any day of the week.  Jenna's interview is rather brief and she confirms again that she's in "next year's Doctor Who" and that "The Rings of Akhaten" is her favourite.

The Moff's episode guide is as teasing as ever.  He states that for "Cold War", Mark Gatiss had "one more idea that made my hair stand on end";  "Hide" is a ghost story - a "haunted house and in this show we're delivering one of the best.";   "The Crimson Horror" is "insane, terrifying and Victorian" and, as for "the finale", Mr Moffat had this to say:
"Oh, I think I'll hold on to the title of this one just a little longer.  There's going to be a revelation.  I'm not teasing.  I'm not wrong-footing you - you're about to learn something about the Doctor that you never knew before.  And I think you're in for a shock..."
The Radio Times is available from all good newsagents priced £1.60.

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