
Tuesday 1 January 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year all - and whilst 2012 was certainly a year to remember, what with departing companions, a new arrival, new theme and new Tardis interior, we expect much, much more for the 50th Anniversary this year.  Yes, we're finally in the Anniversary year.

Eight more episodes in April will only be the start and I'm sure announcements for events will be forthcoming soon.

On a personal note, 2012 was a good year - what with the Official Doctor Who Convention in March that gave me not only the opportunity to meet Matt Smith but also spend some time on the Tardis set and another visit to Cardiff later in the year to go location hunting.  Can 2013 top that?  Let's hope so!

I would also like to thank you all for the suggestions, comments and competition entries throughout the year. Your support has been invaluable in keeping this little blog going and I honestly couldn't do it without you.

Thank you all - and let's hope for a fantastic Who-filled 2013!

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