
Sunday 30 September 2012

"The Angels Take Manhattan" - Overnight Viewing Figures

"The Angels Take Manhattan" achieved an overnight rating of 5.9million which was a 26.9% share of the total tv audience.  The audience peaked at 6.4million as the episode progressed.  Obviously, "The Angels Take Manhattan" was the highest rated BBC1 programme of the day.

If you look at last season, the fifth episode in the Autumn run was "Closing Time" which achieved 5.3million on the overnights.  The Season 6 finale, "The Wedding of River Song" achieved 6.1million on the overnights.

The rating for "The Angels Take Manhattan" is expected to increase considerably when the consolidated ratings are released next week.

You can find the updated Season 7 Viewing Figures chart here:  Season 7 Viewing Figures

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