
Tuesday 11 September 2012

Alex Kingston - "Who Do You Think You Are" - UK Airdate and Promos

The episode of "Who Do You Think You Are" featuring Alex Kingston is to air on BBC1 at 9pm on Wednesday 19 September 2012. The Radio Times have posted a review of the episode:

Alex Kingston is keen to explore two branches of her family tree: her great-grandparent William Keevil, who was killed in the First World War but who may have been a photographer when the art was in its infancy; and the idea that she has some Jewish ancestry, although no one in her family knows for certain.

At the start of her “rollercoaster journey” (is there any other kind?) it looks as though Kingston is going to be an emotional travelling companion. “I feel a bit adrift… my life is unstable,” she confesses before we’ve even started. Thankfully she keeps the tears in check.

Trailers for the show have given away the fact that one ancestor made a living in a disreputable manner, which is a shame, because the moment of realisation, with a historian gently nudging Kingston towards the inevitable conclusion, is cracking. And it gets better – there’s a wealth of information about Elizabeth Braham’s very long and colourful life.

6/10. Actress Alex Kingston researches her family tree, investigating the military life of her great-grandfather William Keevil, whose career as a photographer led to him being given a key responsibility in the First World War before his death at the Battle of Passchendaele. She also explores rumours of Jewish ancestry, going back several generations, and hears how her mother's widowed great-great-great-grandmother embarked on an unconventional enterprise to avoid sliding into poverty.

The BBC have also released a couple of promo images from this episode - please right click and open in new tab/window for the large versions:

Promos courtesy of Blogtor Who

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