
Friday 9 March 2012

Video - Colin Baker on "Robert's Full English Breakfast Show"

This is really an excellent interview - lasting over 15 minutes and covering an awful lot of ground. "Doctor Who" obviously features heavily and, anyone who follows Colin on twitter, will know of his love and support for the show but it really is highlighted here:

You can follow Colin on twitter at SawbonesHex and, on a personal note, I really highly recommend the Big Finish audios featuring Colin as the 6th Doctor. He nails it - totally. He has a superb voice and it's just perfect for the audios. My personal favourite is "The Spectre of Lanyon Moor" - it's set in Cornwall and being a Cornish lass myself then there was really no competition.

You can peruse and buy the audios from Big Finish - Doctor Who audios

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