
Friday 10 February 2012

Toby Haynes joins Official Doctor Who Convention Lineup

A press release from BBC Worldwide confirmed today that Toby Haynes would join the guest lineup at the Official Doctor Who Convention in March:

BBC Worldwide announced today that Director Toby Haynes will be joining the Official Doctor Who Convention taking place on the 24th and 25th March at Cardiff’s Millennium Centre.

Toby Haynes has directed several key Eleventh Doctor episodes and most recently came together with Steven Moffat again to film the nail biting series-finale of Sherlock. Doctor Who episodes directed by Haynes include the US based opener to series 6 The Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon; the 2010 Christmas special A Christmas Carol with guest stars Michael Gambon and Katherine Jenkins; and Series 5 episodes The Big Bang and The Pandorica Opens which saw the Doctor imprisoned in the fabled Pandorica Box.

“I love the idea of a Convention with a difference, bringing together all the people who make the show and letting the fans see the script to screen process in person. Often when I meet fans I'm blown away by their knowledge of Doctor Who and their enthusiasm to find out more, this event will go a long way to fulfilling that desire!” said Toby Haynes.

Toby joins a host of cast and crew appearing at the Official Doctor Who Convention including: Matt Smith; Steven Moffat; Arthur Darvill; Mark Sheppard; Nicholas Briggs; Ian McNeice; Raquel Cassidy; Neill Gorton; Danny Hargreaves; Tom MacRae; Barnaby Edwards; Caroline Henry; Stephan Pehrsson; Michael Pickwoad; Andy Pryor; Gary Russell; Simon Fisher-Becker and Marcus Wilson. The Convention is a full day event that will reveal the inner workings of Doctor Who, showing the journey from script to screen: Live special effects and pyrotechnic demonstrations; prosthetic masterclasses and in-depth Q & A sessions with the makers of the show will give an unrivalled glimpse into the behind-the-scenes world of Doctor Who.

Tickets to the Convention are on sale now, priced at £99.00. To book, please visit Official Doctor Who Convention

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