
Saturday 31 December 2011

"The UNIT Files" DVD - First Look Extras

The BBC have released a few videos ahead of the Unit Files DVDwhich is due for release on 9 January 2012. The boxset consists of the Jon Pertwee story, "Invasion of the Dinosaurs" and the Tom Baker story, "The Android Invasion". The boxset is available on £22.47.

First up, two classic clips from "Invasion of the Dinosaurs":

Next, from "The Android Invasion" extras - the problems involved in the Kraal costume:

Milton Johns and the crew ponder the eyepatch storyline in "The Android Invasion":

Finally, one of the best producers the show has ever had, Philip Hinchcliffe, talks about how he made a cliffhanger in "The Android Invasion" much creepier:

As mentioned, the Unit Files DVDis due for release on 9 January 2012- priced £22.47 from

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