
Thursday 15 December 2011

End in sight for the Ponds...

At the press screening of "The Doctor, The Widow and The Wardrobe", Steven Moffat made an announcement - confirmed by the BBC Doctor Who Twitter account - that hasn't really come as too much of a surprise:
"The final days of the Ponds are coming during the next series - that story will come to a heartbreaking end. Then the Doctor will meet a new friend"

Matt Smith, also attending the press screening, commented:
"The show will miss the Ponds, brilliantly played by Karen & Arthur, but the great thing about Doctor Who is its ability to change. It's very disappointing - but this show is about change and regeneration."

More details of the new "friend" have been promised by the BBC tomorrow - but the role has not been cast yet.

The Moff also said that he thinks River Song WILL return...

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