
Tuesday 22 November 2011

Doctor Who Diary and Calendars - on offer

Amazon currently have the 2012 Doctor Who diary and calendars on offer. The 2012 full size calendar is the same style as last year - 2 pages to a month with the large picture on the top page and day/date boxes on the bottom page. Here's the back of the calendar which details the promo pics used (and may I say that January looks fantastic?)

The calendar is currently on offer at amazon for £4.79 and you can buy it direct: Doctor Who 2012 Calendar

Next is the "Desk Tent Calendar" - and I'm definitely buying this for work. I love these desk calendars - and whilst, once again, they use promo shots, this is a little bit different - it's not just the main cast.

This one is currently available for £3.59: Doctor Who 2012 Desk Tent Calendar

Finally, 2012 wouldn't be complete without a diary. This is a "slimline" diary so will fit easily into bags etc without too much bother. Pretty basic - a page per week - but most of us will buy it purely for the fact it's a Doctor Who diary as opposed to actually detailing appointments anyway!

The cheapest of the lot - this is currently available for a mere £2.99: Doctor Who 2012 Slimline Diary

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