
Monday 14 November 2011

Children in Need Update

The official BBC Doctor Who Twitter account has been in teasing mode today with a series of tweets designed to whet the appetite ahead of Friday's Children in Need segment. It appears as though we'll be getting something more than the ubiqitous clip from the Christmas Special. Here are the tweets:

There's an extra special treat for #DoctorWho fans on Friday’s Children in Need… Or at least there will be if things go according to plan!

Hurray! Things ARE going according to plan! Steven Moffat’s mini-script has just hit the in-boxes of a lucky few… Must look over shoulders…

Great! We can confirm that Matt Smith will be back in the bow-tie soon because the Doctor returns on Friday night in Children in Need.

We’ve seen the short script and it is NOT what you’d expect. Oh, it’s funny and fast and Doctorish and brilliant… but not what you’d expect…

Not what you’d expect, UNLESS you’re from the future. In which case, wasn’t it good? Talking of the future, we’ll have more news tomorrow…

Eyes peeled tomorrow then! And we'll keep you fully updated. Children in Need is on the BBC on Friday 18 November 2011 - the Doctor Who segment is supposed to air between 8 - 8.30pm.

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