
Friday 28 October 2011

Happy Birthday, Matt Smith

Happy 29th birthday to Matt Smith today (29...makes me feel old). I thought it would be good to post a few videos in celebration - not just "Doctor Who" though. Everyone talks about "Womb", "Christopher and His Kind" and "Together" so I thought I'd pick a couple of shows that are not mentioned a lot. Let's start with "Moses Jones" ...

First - an interview with the cast about the show and the characters (courtesy of

Second - a clip from the show (it really is worth tracking down this show if you don't already have it. Clip courtesy of luvpunkie:)

Now, "Party Animals" - a drama about behind the scenes of government - most specifically parliamentary researchers. Cracking 6 parter - shame it didn't continue. However, here's the scene everyone talks about (Clip courtesy of kaidonia):

No celebration could be complete without "Doctor Who" - these are in no particular order, I just like them:

First - courtesy of the BBC - Matt shows off his new coat in "Doctor Who Confidential":

Next - the quite wonderful and funny clip from "Doctor Who Confidential" where Matt shows off his badger (clip courtesy of Mellaniana):

Another clip from the BBC - this time the fantastic "fish fingers and custard" scene. I still have yet to try this delicacy:

There are so many I could choose from and if I posted them all I'd be here all day. So, to finish, it has to be Matt on the Craig Ferguson show. (clip courtesy of indigenous4logic):

So a very happy birthday to Matt for today - and actually if you want "Moses Jones" and "Party Animals" on dvd, the links are below:

Moses Jones at
Party Animals at

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