
Sunday 9 October 2011

The Best of "Doctor Who Confidential" - Part One - The New Doctor

With the supposed "axing" of "Doctor Who Confidential" - and there is still time to save the show so please see the links at the bottom of this article - I thought it would be good to look back at some of the interesting, funny and key moments from the show. Obviously this will concentrate on the last couple of years (well, this is a blog with an Eleventh Doctor focus after all!).

One of the most important parts of "Doctor Who" is the announcement and subsequent first episode of a new Doctor and this is where "Doctor Who Confidential" gives us some fascinating insight about and interviews with the "new boy". We needed it. We were all nervous about the change and whereas some welcomed it, others protested that Matt Smith was too young or that Steven Moffat couldn't handle taking on the show full-time. "Doctor Who Confidential" stepped in and showed us what was going on - warts and all.

The extended interview below was fascinating at the time - and probably even more so now when you see how much Matt talked with his hands...not to mention those facial expressions that have now become such a part of his Doctor:

"Doctor Who Confidential" also gave us Matt's first day on "Doctor Who" when filming the scene at the "End of Time" where he takes over from David Tennant. It wasn't just a new Doctor - it was also a new team with Steven Moffat taking over from Russell T Davies. It must have been a nerve-wracking day for Matt yet just look at that smile:

Another first was seeing the new Doctor's reaction to his new Tardis - and this is one of the areas where "Doctor Who Confidential" comes into it's own by helping us to connect with Matt and his Doctor. Matt's sheer enthusiasm and childlike delight helped win a lot of people over and, it's thanks to "Doctor Who Confidential":

So, "Doctor Who Confidential" was essential for welcoming and reassuring us about the new Doctor but it does so much more. In part two (next week) we'll look at some of the funny moments but, in the meantime, please support the campaign to save the show:

Save DWC on Twitter
Save DWC Blog
Save DWC Petition

Thanks to the BBC, dgw934drwho and WhovianFanBase for uploading the youtube videos.

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