
Saturday 24 September 2011

"The Wedding of River Song" - Prequel and Trailer

Here we go - it's what we've been waiting for:

First up, the prequel:

EDIT: If this isn't available in your area then try the youtube version: Youtube prequel

Second - the trailer:

Again, if it's not available then youtube is your friend: youtube trailer


  1. Got a youtube link? The prequel isn't available "in my area", which I presume includes all of North America :(

  2. Sigh...same here. I will snoop around for it. As that it is almost 9:00 PDT, I'm sure someone has already posted it.

  3. It took me almost 10 whole seconds to find it on youtube. I'm...Meh...about it the tiny prequel. Does that make me a bad fan!? :) Can't wait for the whole thing, that's all. It's like getting a fortune cookie without any fortune in it.

  4. I've edited the post to include links to the youtube versions of the above.

    And Pam - it's a prequel...we're not going to get much info! But I am going to be useless to everyone this week because my every waking moment will be consumed with thoughts about the finale...
