
Thursday 22 September 2011

Season 7 to air "Autumn 2012"

According to the latest "Doctor Who Magazine" - issue 439 which is available now - Season 7 of "Doctor Who" will air "next autumn".

This news was expected and is completely understandable. Not only is production moving from Upper Boat Studios to new studios at Roath Lock but there's also that little matter of the Olympics next summer. The Olympics will take up an awful lot of BBC resources and a Spring "half" of "Doctor Who" could well get lost in the shuffle. Far better to air the show in the Autumn when the nights are drawing in. "Doctor Who" is just MADE for dark, chilly evenings in front of the fire!

No word yet on whether a full or split season will be aired but, personally, I think it's a good thing that the show will air later in the year.

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