
Wednesday 30 December 2015

First Look Image: Matt Smith and Stanley Tucci in "Patient Zero"

Courtesy of, we have the first official image from Mike Le's "Patient Zero", which has been confirmed to hit cinemas on 2 September 2016.

Matt will play "Morgan" who is "asymptomatic and can communicate with the undead":

“An unprecedented global pandemic of a super strain of rabies has turned the majority of humankind into highly intelligent, streamlined killers known as ‘The Infected.’ One victim, Morgan (Matt Smith), who is asymptomatic and can communicate with the infected, leads the last survivors on a hunt for Patient Zero and a cure.”

Director Stefan Ruzowitzky said: “The great days of zombies are a little bit over. It’s time for something new.” He added that the "infected" are "much sexier" than the undead: "They have a lot of energy, they’re fast, they’re good-looking. Not those walking vegetables.”

Let's hope for more photos in the upcoming months - and I will just say..."look at those muscles..."

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Screencaps - Doctor Who Extra - Last Christmas

A batch of screencaps from "Doctor Who Extra - Last Christmas" have been uploaded to the Who-Natic Gallery. Samples below - right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions - please feel free to take and use. 

More in the Who-Natic Gallery.

Sunday 27 December 2015

"The Husbands of River Song" - AI Score

"The Husbands of River Song" had an Audience Appreciation Index (AI) score of 82 - exactly the same as "Last Christmas".  The AI scores for Series 9 are:

"The Magician's Apprentice" - 84
"The Witch's Familiar" - 83
"Under the Lake" - 84
"Before the Flood" - 83
"The Girl Who Died" - 82
"The Woman Who Lived" - 81
"The Zygon Invasion" - 82
"The Zygon Inversion" - 84
"Sleep No More" - 78
"Face the Raven" - 84
"Heaven Sent" - 80
"Hell Bent" - 82

"The Husbands of River Song" - 82

The Audience Appreciation Index (AI) is a score out of 100 which is used as an indicator of the public’s appreciation for a show. Over 90 is considered exceptional, 85 or over is excellent, 60 or less is poor, and less than 55 is very poor.

Saturday 26 December 2015

"The Husbands of River Song" - Overnight Viewing Figures

The overnight viewing figures show that 5.77 million (29.4% share) tuned in for "The Husbands of River Song".

"Downton Abbey" was the most watched show with 6.88 million - BBC1's highest rated show was "Strictly Come Dancing" with 6.49 million.  If you combine both the BBC and ITV figures for the Queen (6.1 on BBC1 and 1.3 on ITV) then it becomes the highest rated with 7.4 million.

Ratings in general are down from last year where, for instance, "Mrs Brown's Boys" achieved 7.61 million overnight last year - and this year it dropped to 6.4 million.  "Doctor Who" seems to have held up relatively well with only a small drop from "Last Christmas" at 6.34 million.

Consolidated ratings will be released next week.

Friday 25 December 2015

Videos - Doctor Who Extra - "The Husbands of River Song"

The BBC have released their usual Doctor Who Extra videos for "The Husbands of River Song" - expect more tomorrow:

Thursday 24 December 2015

Video - "The Husbands of River Song" - Preview Clip 2

The BBC have released another preview clip from "The Husbands of River Song" - and the Doctor reunites with River...

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Video - "The Husbands of River Song" - Preview Clip

The BBC have released the first preview clip from "The Husbands of River Song" - and it appears that there's a medical emergency...

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Video - Introduction to "The Husbands of River Song"

The BBC have released the new "introduction" video - and Peter Capaldi and Alex Kingston introduce "The Husbands of River Song":

Monday 21 December 2015

The Complete Series 9 DVD/Blu-Ray Boxset Announced

BBC Worldwide have announced that the Complete Series 9 of Doctor Who will shortly be available to pre-order on DVD and Blu-ray and will be released on 7 March 2016 (5 April 2016 in the US).

Note - the sets are now available to pre-order via the BBC Shop (UK):

Complete Series 9 DVD Boxset - £34.99
Complete Series 9 Blu-Ray Boxset - £38.99

The set contains all 12 episodes of Series 9 together with the 2014 Christmas Special, Last Christmas and this year’s highly anticipated, The Husbands of River Song.  There are over four hours of extras:

DVD Commentaries:

⦁ Under the Lake and Before the Flood: actor Sophie Stone, writer Toby Whithouse, producer Derek Ritchie
⦁ The Woman Who Lived: actor Maisie Williams, producer Derek Ritchie
⦁ Sleep No More: actor Reece Shearsmith, writer Mark Gatiss

Doctor Who Extra:

The Magician’s Apprentice & The Witch’s Familiar
Peter Capaldi reveals all, and shows off his guitar riffs, as we get the inside story on this stunning two-parter. Featuring additional interviews with Michelle Gomez and Steven Moffat.

Under the Lake & Before the Flood
Go backstage and meet some very ghastly monsters! Discover the secret of a special celebrity appearance as Paul Kaye welcomes us on location, and we reveal how to make a big splash on set. Featuring interviews with Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman, writer Toby Whithouse and production designer Michael Pickwoad.

The Girl Who Died & The Woman Who Lived
Maisie Williams talks about crossing fandoms, celebrates her birthday with an impromptu quiz, and generally everyone has a lot of fun, as Rufus Hound gives us a unique view of what it’s like to make Doctor Who. Featuring interviews with Peter Capaldi and Maisie Williams.

The Zygon Invasion & The Zygon Inversion
The Zygons are back! We discover how a Zygon keeps fit, and Ingrid Oliver tells of her delight at once more playing the Doctor’s biggest fan, Osgood! Featuring interviews with Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman and Ingrid Oliver.

Sleep No More
Mark Gatiss reveals the story behind the horror, Reece Shearsmith reviews the importance of space glasses, and we look at the challenges of making this unique episode. Featuring interviews with Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman and Steven Moffat.

Face the Raven
Joivan Wade (Rigsy) is shocked to be back, but he’s not the only character to return for this unforgettable adventure, as we discover the perils of thinking you are invincible. Featuring interviews with Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman and Steven Moffat.

Heaven Sent & Hell Bent
Steven Moffat and director Rachel Talalay reveal the challenges of creating the puzzle-box that is Heaven Sent, we get wind-blown in Fuerteventura, and we witness the departure of a companion as we go on set for Jenna Coleman’s last day of filming. Featuring interviews with Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman, Steven Moffat and Rachel Talalay.

The Husbands of River Song
Matt Lucas is our guide as we join River Song, the Doctor and a star-liner full of supervillains for this festive Christmas special. We get the heads-up on the Hydroflax from Greg Davies, reveal Alex Kingston’s favourite Sonic, and we find out what Peter Capaldi is getting for Christmas. Featuring interviews with Peter Capaldi, Alex Kingston, and Steven Moffat.

Doctor Who Documentaries

Writing Who
The definitive guide for a would-be Doctor Who scriptwriter. We follow Sarah Dollard on her intricate journey to create her episode, Trap Street. From the highs of pitching her original idea to Steven Moffat, to the challenges of writing her first draft – faced with a blank page and typing Int. TARDIS Day – to seeing her episode becoming reality.

Dalek Devotion
Peter Capaldi and Steven Moffat reveal the inspiration for the return of the Daleks to the incredible season opener of series 9, how their earliest memories have shaped their devotion to the ultimate killing machine, and the journey to the Dalek homeland of Skaro.

The Adventures of River Song
Join Alex Kingston and Steven Moffat as we look forward to River’s return in The Husbands of River Song. Find out how River’s character came to be created, why Alex just had to play the role, what happened when the cast discovered who River really is. Narrated by Nina Toussaint-White.

Doctor Who: Sublime Online
A video selection box of the funniest, most insightful and engaging online treats from behind the scenes of Series 9. With interviews and magical moments from Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman and Steven Moffat, and featuring a host of guest stars, including Maisie Williams, Michelle Gomez, Rufus Hound, Ingrid Oliver and Slipknot.

Clara’s Journey
In 2012, Jenna Coleman joined Doctor Who and took her place in television history as the Doctor’s newest companion, Clara Oswald. Having become the longest serving companion since the revival of the show, Clara’s time on the TARDIS has now come to an end, so we can now look back at just what made the Impossible Girl, well, possible. Featuring interviews with Peter Capaldi, Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman. Narrated by Colin McFarlane.

The Fan Show’s Finest
Christel Dee gives a whistle-stop guide to Doctor Who: The Fan Show the online series that celebrates Doctor Who and the amazing creativity of the show’s fans. We get a peek inside Steven Moffat’s writing lair, take a look into the Old Monster’s Retirement Home and step into the amazing world of Minecraft to find out how fans are celebrating their love for the show online. We even get face to face with the Doctor and Missy to ask them all the questions the fans want to know.

Other extras include:

The Doctor’s Meditation - Series 9 prequel
Deleted Scenes
Series 8 recap
All Series 9 trailers
2015 San Diego Comic Con Panel
Interview with Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman hosted by Wil Wheaton

Wednesday 16 December 2015

New Promo Images - "The Husbands of River Song"

The BBC have released two more images from "The Husbands of River Song" - full size versions are in the Who-Natic Gallery:


Monday 14 December 2015

"Hell Bent" - Consolidated Ratings & Live+7 for Eps 1-7

"Hell Bent" has a consolidated 7 day rating of 6.17 million (not including repeats) - an increase of 1.37 million from the initial overnight figure of 4.80 million.

This puts the episode tenth for the week on BBC1.  The Live+7 figures for the first seven episodes of Series 9 have been released - this figure includes those who watched one repeat broadcast and those who watched on iplayer within 7 days of transmission.  Interestingly, iplayer viewings are up from 9% last year to 11.9% this year.  The Live+7 figures are in brackets below.

The consolidated ratings this series are:

"The Magician's Apprentice" - 6.54 million    (Live+7= 7.41 million)
"The Witch's Familiar" - 5.71 million     (Live+7= 6.58 million)
"Under the Lake" - 5.63 million     (Live+7= 6.51 million)
"Before the Flood" - 6.05 million     (Live+7= 6.77 million)
"The Girl Who Died" - 6.56 million    (Live+7= 7.19 million)
"The Woman Who Lived" - 6.11 million    (Live+7= 6.73 million)
"The Zygon Invasion" - 5.76 million    (Live+7 = 6.49 million)
"The Zygon Inversion" - 6.03 million
"Sleep No More" - 5.61 million
"Face the Raven" - 6.05 million
"Heaven Sent" - 6.19 million
"Hell Bent" - 6.17 million

The consolidated figure includes those who recorded and watched the show within one week of transmission - plus iplayer views through televisions.  It does not include pc/laptop, tablets or smartphones - initial figures for which will be released by BARB in their Online TV Player Report on Wednesday.

Source: Live+7 courtesy of

Thursday 10 December 2015

Poster - Matt Smith - "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies"

Lionsgate Films have released a series of "character" posters from "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" - including Matt Smith as Mr Collins.  The full size version of the poster is in the Who-Natic Gallery:

Source: Radio Times

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Review - Character Options 5.5" Collector Series

With Character Options releasing 11 new 5.5" Collector Series Action Figures that are exclusive to "Toys R Us" , just how well do the new figures match up to the original 5" figures?  Obviously, I haven't gone out and bought them all but, as I collect the 11th Doctor figures, it made sense to pick up the new 11th Doctor in purple outfit figure.

First off, unlike previously, the box is resealable - you can take out the figure and, as long as you keep the box and the plastic insert, you can happily put him back in the box afterwards.  I'm not one for keeping figures in boxes - I rather like them out and on display but this is the best of both worlds for collectors.

With the previous figures being 5" and the newbies being 5.5", does it really make that much difference if you're going to display all of them together?  No.  Not really - it's half an inch...barely noticeable (bend his knees a wee bit and nobody will be any the wiser!):


As for the figure itself - quite frankly, it's gorgeous.  The outfit is spot on - waistcoat, bow tie, coat and even watch-chain - and it looks as though they've "resculpted" the head to make it look more like the Series 7B Matt Smith.  

I did initially have one minor quibble with the figure - I thought the boots were wrong.  However, having studied some promo images, it turns out that, of course, Character Options have got it spot on:


Retailing at £14.99 from Toys R US, you really can't go wrong with these figures.  They're pretty much perfect, a good size (which gives a more detailed figure than those 3.75" versions) and a good price.  The range of figures is very good too - with an Eighth Doctor, three versions of 11 and four versions of 12.  

A little tip for you - if you can't find the figure you want on the Toys R Us website, then try their Ebay Shop - the prices are the same and sometimes they put figures there that are "out of stock" on their website.  

So.  Thank you, Character Options for releasing these figures and, being a bit of a collector of 11th Doctor figures, can I please request a non-jacket, shirtsleeved and waistcoated 11 from "Journey to the Centre of the Tardis" and also a "Crimson Horror" version please?

Monday 7 December 2015

New Promo Images - "Hell Bent"

Now the episode has aired, the BBC have released some new - and spoilery - promo images for "Hell Bent".  Full size versions are in the Who-Natic Gallery:

Source - thanks to

"Heaven Sent" - Consolidated Ratings

"Heaven Sent" has a consolidated 7 day rating of 6.19 million (not including repeats) - an increase of 1.68 million from the initial overnight figure of 4.51 million.

This puts the episode seventh for the week on BBC1.  The consolidated ratings this series are:

"The Magician's Apprentice" - 6.54 million
"The Witch's Familiar" - 5.71 million
"Under the Lake" - 5.63 million
"Before the Flood" - 6.05 million
"The Girl Who Died" - 6.56 million
"The Woman Who Lived" - 6.11 million
"The Zygon Invasion" - 5.76 million
"The Zygon Inversion" - 6.03 million
"Sleep No More" - 5.61 million
"Face the Raven" - 6.05 million
"Heaven Sent" - 6.19 million

This figure includes those who recorded and watched the show within one week of transmission - plus iplayer views through televisions.  It does not include pc/laptop, tablets or smartphones - initial figures for which will be released by BARB in their Online TV Player Report on Wednesday.

"Hell Bent" - AI Score

"Hell Bent" had an Audience Appreciation Index (AI) score of 82.  The AI scores this series are:

"The Magician's Apprentice" - 84
"The Witch's Familiar" - 83
"Under the Lake" - 84
"Before the Flood" - 83
"The Girl Who Died" - 82
"The Woman Who Lived" - 81
"The Zygon Invasion" - 82
"The Zygon Inversion" - 84
"Sleep No More" - 78
"Face the Raven" - 84
"Heaven Sent" - 80
"Hell Bent" - 82

The Audience Appreciation Index (AI) is a score out of 100 which is used as an indicator of the public’s appreciation for a show. Over 90 is considered exceptional, 85 or over is excellent, 60 or less is poor, and less than 55 is very poor.

Sunday 6 December 2015

Videos - More Doctor Who Extra for "Hell Bent"

The BBC continue to drip feed these videos to us - four more videos today for "Hell Bent":

"Hell Bent" - Overnight Viewing Figures

The overnight viewing figures show that 4.80 million (21.5% share) tuned in for "Hell Bent" - that's an increase from last week's 4.51 million.  The figure is slightly inflated due to the fact that "Strictly" overran into the "Doctor Who" timeslot (a similar thing happened with "Heaven Sent" and "Face the Raven").

"Strictly Come Dancing" was, of course, top again with 10.50 million.

The consolidated figures will be released next week.

Saturday 5 December 2015

Videos - Doctor Who Extra - "Hell Bent"

So far, we have five "Doctor Who Extra" videos for "Hell Bent" - as usual we may well get a few more tomorrow:

Video - Trailers - "The Husbands of River Song"

The BBC have released both the next time and official TV trailers for the Christmas episode - "The Husbands of River Song":

New Promo Images - "The Husbands of River Song"

The BBC have rather outdone themselves this time - 30 new promo images for "The Husbands of River Song".  The previously released images are here and here.  As usual, full size versions are in the Who-Natic Gallery: