
Tuesday 30 December 2014

No US Theatrical Release for "Lost River"

As reported at the end of November, "Lost River" finally has a UK distributor however, according to a report in Variety the film will NOT get a US Theatrical Release.

It appears instead that Warner Brothers will release the film via home entertainment in April.

In the UK, the film is still scheduled for release on 24 April 2015.

UPDATE:  Warner Brothers will give a "limited" theatrical release for "Lost River" in New York and Los Angeles.  Well, they did say "limited" - and 2 cities is certainly that.

Saturday 27 December 2014

More Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman General Series 8 Promo Images

Another batch of general Series 8 Promo Images featuring Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman have emerged - either that or I missed them when they were first released.  There are some really good ones amongst this batch - and larger versions are in the Coppermine Gallery:

Friday 26 December 2014

"Last Christmas" - Overnight Viewing Figures

The overnight ratings for Christmas Day show that "Last Christmas" came in 7th for the day with 6.34 million - a 27.5% audience share.  The day was won by, of course, "Mrs Brown's Boys" with 7.61 million.

It seems that overall the overnights for Christmas Day were down considerably this year.  Last year, "Mrs Brown's Boys" won the day with 9.40 million and "Doctor Who" had 8.29 million.  So, even the juggernaut of "Mrs Brown's Boys" is almost 2 million down on the overnights from last year.

Obviously, expect considerable movement when the consolidated figures are released next week.

Thursday 25 December 2014

Jenna Coleman to return for ALL of Series 9

The Radio Times have confirmed that Jenna Coleman is staying with the show for the whole of Series 9.

During the Press Launch of "Last Christmas", Steven Moffat said:
"Jenna is in all of the next series, which we’re delighted to reveal.  There was a certain amount of to-ing and fro-ing, wasn’t there Jenna?"

"I always think I’m quite good at winding up people on this but Jenna completely outplayed me when she said in an interview 'I’m not telling you if I’m staying or going because it’s just more exciting'. And it occurred to us all that we don’t start shooting until January so we could actually keep it a secret."
Jenna Coleman confirmed that Peter Capaldi had played a big part in her decision to stay:
"It’s wonderful – a whole other series of stories with the Doctor. I couldn’t walk away with the story being unresolved, there’s so much more to do and I think [Clara and the Doctor] have finally just reached a point where they really understand each other." 
"The arrival of the 12th Doctor has just dropped this bombshell and allowed the dynamic to totally, totally change so I think, just when Clara was feeling more comfortable in the relationship, it’s suddenly thrown something totally new up and I think the comeuppance of that and the story that we got to tell over the season has been thrilling."
Peter Capaldi was happy with Jenna's decision too:
"I think Jenna’s been just fantastic and it’s been such a pleasure to work with her – and especially for me as the new person onto the show, she’s just been fantastic – and so I was so excited and delighted when she finally [agreed to stay]."
I rather think most of us are happy with this - the character of Clara certainly seems to fit with 12 more than she did with 11.

Video - "Last Christmas" - Doctor Who Extra

The BBC have finally uploaded the "Last Christmas" - "Doctor Who Extra" to youtube.  You can watch it below - but probably best to wait until you've seen the episode itself:

Thursday 18 December 2014

Title Revealed for Episode 1 of Series 9

At the BFI Press Screening of "Last Christmas" this evening, the title of episode 1 of Series 9 was revealed as...

"The Magician's Apprentice".

You can almost hear the creaking of the internet as wild theories and deductions start to spew forth.  It does rather lend itself to the obvious possibility though...

Friday 12 December 2014

Video - "Last Christmas" Preview Clip

The BBC have released the first preview clip for "Last Christmas" - titled "Santa Arrives"...

Thursday 11 December 2014

Video - New "Last Christmas" Trailer

The BBC have released a new trailer for "Last Christmas" which will air on BBC1 on Christmas Day at 6.15pm:

Tuesday 9 December 2014

"Last Christmas" - Peter Capaldi Interview

The BBC Media Centre have issued their "press pack" for "Last Christmas" which features interviews with Steven Moffat, Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman and Nick Frost.  The Peter Capaldi interview is reproduced below with links at the end to read the other interviews:

Everyone will be pleased to see the Doctor and Clara brought together again for this Christmas special. What does bring them together?

A terrifying festive dilemma forces the Doctor back to Earth to help Clara. Then a story unfolds which is quite unexpected – I can’t really say more than that.

How does filming the Christmas special differ from the series?

It’s all very festive and even though you’re shooting in October it does lull you into the festive spirit, because there are lots of Christmassy things around. There are snow machines all the time which is lovely but they’re noisy like lawnmowers or concrete mixers. We have Christmas lights, polystyrene icebergs - which is classic piece of set dressing on Doctor Who. There’s a roast dinner going on in Clara’s house and a big Christmas tree. There were also lots of tangerines!

What was your reaction to Nick Frost being cast as Santa? What sort of Santa does he play?

I was delighted when Nick was cast, I’m a big fan of his. I love Hot Fuzz and Shaun Of The Dead. He’s actually quite a traditional Santa but with a comic undertone. He is the real Santa – he’s not a robot or an alien, but he is a little bit cantankerous. He’s a little bit like the Doctor and at first they don’t really get on together.

How do the Doctor and Clara become involved with Santa?

Santa appears on the roof of Clara’s house and only the Doctor knows the danger of it.

What can viewers expect from this episode?

It’s both really scary and really festive. It manages to be quite frightening and still have Santa Claus in it. It is extremely Christmassy but there is a plot line in it that is quite dark and I think Steven (Moffat) has done a brilliant job at balancing those two things. It’s perfect for Christmas viewing – it supplies everything that Doctor Who should supply at Christmas. It’s scary but it leaves you feeling warm and cheerful.

What have been your fondest memories of your first year as the Doctor?

It’s difficult to say what specific moments were significant to me because the whole thing has just been amazing. So many things have been fantastic. The first time you go onto the set, the first time you meet a Dalek or even the first time the TARDIS wobbles when you shut the door. I know it won’t last forever so I’m just enjoying it all.

The show is now a global phenomenon – how was it to see the reactions of fans in different countries earlier this year? What is it about your Doctor that you think they’re enjoying?

It was extraordinary to see how popular the show is all over the world. I’ve had the great benefit of riding the wave of success that Matt (Smith), David (Tennant) and Chris (Eccleston) had started. I myself was fascinated by what made the show so popular abroad. To me it seems a particularly British thing. However, it seems that the themes of escapism and adventure are universal. Fans of Doctor Who are usually so warm-hearted and creative. It’s quite moving to see how much they love it. You don’t realise when you’re making the programme that it’s reaching out to so many people in Latin America or Asia or Australia. Obviously the character is so popular now and the concept is so clever, so I think that is what they’re responding to rather than me.

What will you be doing this Christmas and is there anything you want from Santa?

I’ll be watching the Christmas Special and I want a tangerine and a Doctor Who annual because that’s what I had as a kid.

Friday 5 December 2014

"Last Christmas" - New Promo Images

The BBC have released a large batch of "Last Christmas" promo images.  Larger versions are in the Coppermine Gallery:

Source:  Thanks to

Thursday 4 December 2014

Video - "Terminator: Genisys" - Official Trailer and Poster

Here it is - the first full trailer for "Terminator: Genisys" which has been released a couple of hours early.  Although there's a serious lack of Matt Smith (but see below for screencap) in this one (which was to be expected as his role in the first film is relatively small), it's really a pretty exciting trailer:

Missed seeing Matt?  Well take a look in the background of this cap:

 Also, here's a first look at the poster:

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Video - "Terminator: Genisys" Trailer Sneak Peek

Skydance Productions have released a short "sneak peek" of the trailer for "Terminator: Genisys".  The full trailer will be released tomorrow but this is more than enough to whet the appetite.  Personally, I've loved all the Terminator films - yes, I even enjoyed "Terminator: Salvation" - so I really can't wait for "Terminator: Genisys"... especially now that Matt Smith is in it:

Video - Peter Capaldi Answers Fan Questions...

At the recent Series 8 DVD/Blu-Ray launch, Peter Capaldi sat down and answered fan questions straight from the "TARDIS Tin":

Tuesday 2 December 2014

Promotion Starts for Matt Smith's "Terminator: Genisys"

Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions have released a "living one-sheet" promo for "Terminator: Genisys" - and the trailer will be released on Thursday:

Now, with Matt's role in the first film said to be relatively small (but increasing to a major role in the 2nd and 3rd films), I'm not going to hold my breath for a glimpse of him in the upcoming trailer. would be rather nice to see him...

"Last Christmas" - UK Air Time Revealed

The BBC have confirmed that "Last Christmas" will air on BBC1 on Christmas Day at 6.15pm - quite an early time considering the air time of Series 8.

At 60 minutes long, "Last Christmas" is sandwiched between "Strictly Come Dancing" and "Miranda".

Monday 1 December 2014

Video - Peter Capaldi Interview - BBC South East Today

Peter Capaldi was interviewed by BBC South East Today during his appearance at Project MotorMouth at the weekend.  Peter talks about "Last Christmas", Conventions and Project Motorhouse:

Photos - Peter Capaldi - Project Motormouth

Peter Capaldi attended his first Doctor Who convention yesterday at Project MotorMouth.  He signed autographs, posed for photos and chatted on stage with Janet Fielding, where he revealed he was about to fly to Malawi for Comic Relief.

Below are selection of photos by Sandra Franklin Photography - follow the link to view the full set on the Facebook page.  Definitely worth giving her a follow actually - either on  Facebook or Twitter - for some great Who related photographs.

Grateful thanks to Sandra Franklin Photography for giving permission to post these photos here.