
Sunday 31 August 2014

Photos - Matt Smith - Fan Expo Canada 2014

Fan Expo Canada have uploaded a few photos from this weekend's convention featuring Matt Smith.  Full size versions are in the Coppermine Gallery:

"Deep Breath" - Consolidated Viewing Figures

The consolidated viewing figures for "Deep Breath" give the episode a final rating of 9.17million - a 2.38million increase on the overnights of 6.79million.

"Deep Breath" is now the third highest rated season opener (after "Rose" and "The Eleventh Hour") since 2005.

Please note that this figures does NOT include those who watch on BBC iplayer through computers or tablets - and obviously does not include cinema showings.

"Into the Dalek" - Overnight Ratings

"Into the Dalek" achieved overnight figures of 5.2million - a 24.7% share of the audience.  The highest rated show of the night was, of course, "The X Factor" which managed 9.3million.

With "The X Factor" starting 30 minutes after "Doctor Who" it was good to see that the ratings for "Doctor Who" held firm and suffered no drop once "The X Factor" started.  However, approximately 2 million viewers turned over to ITV once "Doctor Who" finished.

Final figures will be released next week and should show a large increase in "Doctor Who" ratings.

Saturday 30 August 2014

Video - "Doctor Who Extra - Into the Dalek"

The next "Doctor Who Extra" episode is up and, according to the BBC, should be available worldwide.  Obviously, I'd avoid it if you haven't actually seen "Into the Dalek" yet:

Video - "Robot of Sherwood" - Next Time Trailer

The BBC have uploaded the trailer for "Robot of Sherwood" that followed tonight's "Into the Dalek" episode.  Thanks to Combom for uploading the youtube version:

Friday 29 August 2014

"Listen" - Official Synopsis

The BBC have released the synopsis for "Listen" - written by Steven Moffat, it's the fourth episode of Series 8 and will air on Saturday 13 September:When ghosts of past and future crowd into their lives, the Doctor and Clara are thrown into an adventure that takes them to the very end of the universe.

What happens when the Doctor is alone? And what scares the grand old man of Time and Space? Listen! 
Written by Steven Moffat / directed by Douglas MacKinnon

Video - "Into the Dalek" Preview Clip - Danny Pink

The BBC have released another "Into the Dalek" preview clip - this time giving us our first glimpse of Danny Pink:

Video - Introducing "Into the Dalek"

The BBC have uploaded the latest "introduction" video and this time Steven Moffat and Jenna Coleman talk about "Into the Dalek":

Thursday 28 August 2014

More Photos - Matt Smith & Karen Gillan - Chicago Wizard World

Wizard World have uploaded a few more photos from the Chicago convention - including another proposal.  The photos are also in the Coppermine Gallery.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

"Into the Dalek" - 2 Preview Clips

The BBC have released 2 preview clips from Saturday's episode "Into the Dalek":

Tuesday 26 August 2014

"Into the Dalek" - New Promo Pics

The BBC have released a neat little batch of promo pics for "Into the Dalek" - please note that larger versions are in the Coppermine Gallery:

Monday 25 August 2014

Video - New "Into the Dalek" Teaser Trailer

The BBC have uploaded a new teaser trailer for "Into the Dalek":

Sunday 24 August 2014

Photos - Matt Smith and Karen Gillan - Wizard World Chicago

Courtesy of Wizard World, below are photos of Matt Smith (love the glasses) and Karen Gillan at this weekend's Chicago Comic Con.  Larger versions are in the Coppermine Gallery:

"Deep Breath" - Overnight Ratings

"Deep Breath" scored an overnight rating of 6.8million with a 32.5% share of the audience - which isn't bad for a bank holiday weekend at the end of the holiday season when figures are traditionally lower.  It was the most watched programme of the night by a country mile - it's closest rival was "Casualty" which had 4.2million.

Obviously this figure does not take into account cinema viewings or those who recorded it to watch later.  These consolidated figures will be released next week and will, no doubt, show a huge increase from 6.8million.

Saturday 23 August 2014

Trailer - "Into the Dalek"

The BBC have released the first trailer for "Into the Dalek" - the youtube version below is courtesy of nightandthedoctor:

Video - "Doctor Who Extra" - "Deep Breath"

Well, after saying that the "Doctor Who Extra" series would be an "iplayer and red button" exclusive ... the BBC have uploaded it to youtube.  Ah well.  Here it is - spoilers obviously if you've not seen "Deep Breath":

Video - Introduction to "Deep Breath"

The BBC have released a new video of Steven Moffat, Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman introducing "Deep Breath".  Once again, they have yet to upload this to youtube so I hope those outside the UK can watch this:

Video - "Deep Breath" Preview Clip

The BBC have released a short preview clip from "Deep Breath":

Friday 22 August 2014

More Photos - Peter Capaldi & Jenna Coleman - Parliament Square Photoshoot

Courtesy of, below are more photos from today's Parliament Square photocall - these images are also in the Coppermine Gallery.

Video - Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman & Steven Moffat introduce Series 8

"Find out what haunts the Doctor" - that's one of many things to look forward to in Series 8 according to Steven Moffat.  The Moff, Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman talk about Series 8 in the video below.  The video is embedded from the BBC Doctor Who site as it isn't available on youtube yet.

Photos - Peter Capaldi & Jenna Coleman - The Tardis crash lands in Parliament Square

Interesting things were afoot in London this morning as Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman posed in front of a "crashed" Tardis with a variety of dinosaur bones.  The photocall was to promote the new series that starts on BBC 1 tomorrow at 7.50pm.  The photos below are also in the Coppermine Gallery.

Thursday 21 August 2014

Video - Matt Smith does the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Yesterday, David Ellison of Skydance Productions challenged Matt Smith to take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Matt has made a donation and accepted the challenge, and now nominates James Cartwright, Lily James and Karen Gillan to participate and raise awareness for ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease:

Well done, Mr Smith - please go to and support the fight against ALS!

Update - Karen Gillan has accepted the challenge!

Video - Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman & Steven Moffat - Rio Q&A Highlights

The BBC have uploaded the final Q&A highlights video from the World Tour - this time from Rio:

"Robot of Sherwood" - Official Synopsis

The BBC have released the official synopsis for "Robot of Sherwood" which is due to air on BBC1 on Saturday 6 September 2014:
In a sun-dappled Sherwood forest, the Doctor discovers an evil plan from beyond the stars and strikes up an unlikely alliance with Robin Hood.
With all of Nottingham at stake, the Doctor must decide who is real and who is fake. Can impossible heroes really exist?

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Video - Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman & Steven Moffat - Mexico City Q&A Highlights

The latest in the Doctor Who World Tour Q&A Highlights videos is now available - this time from Mexico City:

Video - Peter Capaldi on being the Doctor

The videos are coming thick and fast now and in this one, Peter Capaldi talks about becoming the Doctor and the power of "Doctor Who":

"Into the Dalek" - Official Synopsis and Airtime

The BBC have released the official synopsis for "Into the Dalek" which will air on Saturday 30 August 2014 at 7.30pm:
A Dalek fleet surrounds a lone rebel ship, and only the Doctor can help them now… with the Doctor facing his greatest enemy, he needs Clara by his side. 
Confronted with a decision that could change the Daleks forever he is forced to examine his conscience. Will he find the answer to the question, am I a good man?