
Monday 30 June 2014

Filming Update - Returning Characters and Monster...

Well, if you're filming in Cardiff City Centre then you're bound to be spotted...and photographed.  Not officially announced by the BBC yet but a couple of returning characters and a familiar monster have been photographed this morning.

Photos and details under the cut - the BBC HAVE now actually released a photo but it's under the cut anyway.

Only click the "read more" if you really, really want to...

Michelle Gomez to Star in Season 8

The BBC have announced that Michelle Gomez (Bad Education, Green Wing) is the latest guest star to join Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman in Season 8:
Michelle Gomez (Bad Education, Green Wing) will join the cast of Doctor Who, playing the Gatekeeper of the Nethersphere when the series returns on 23 August. 
Speaking about the role, Michelle Gomez said: "Well of course Peter Capaldi is our next Doctor, which makes complete sense. I'm thrilled to join him. Well, you would be wouldn't you?" 
Lead writer and executive producer, Steven Moffat, added: “I've known Michelle for years, and I'm thrilled to welcome her to Doctor Who. She's everything we need - brilliant, Scottish, and a tiny bit satanic.” 
Filming is well underway for Series 8 of Doctor Who. Guest stars confirmed to join Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman in the new series, which will air on BBC One this Autumn include Frank Skinner, Ben Miller, Tom Riley, Keeley Hawes and Hermione Norris.

Friday 27 June 2014

New Series - Airdate, Trailer and Promo Images

Well, busy day today!  The BBC have confirmed that Season 8 will air on 23 August 2014.  Below are 2 new promo images plus a new trailer.  Larger promos are also in the Coppermine Gallery.  First episode is apparently titled "Deep Breath" and it's being described as "feature-length".  An hour maybe?:

Sunday 22 June 2014

Watch the Online Premiere of the "Minister of Chance" Prologue Free

It's here - you can now watch the prologue for "The Minister of Chance" free online - and please consider donating funds to help them make the rest of the movie.  Paul McGann is in it - surely that's all you need?  No?  Okay then...follow the link below and watch the prologue.  Five minutes of your time - that's all I'm asking.

Watch "The Minister of Chance" Prologue.

Oh - and please share the link around.

Saturday 21 June 2014

Photos - Matt Smith and Karen Gillan - Philadelphia Wizard World Comic Con

Another dual appearance for Matt Smith and Karen Gillan - this time at Wizard World's Philadelphia Comic Con.  The photos below are courtesy of Wizard World and larger versions are in the Coppermine Gallery.

Video - The Charlie Rose Show - Macbeth Conversation with Sir Kenneth Branagh, Alex Kingston and Rob Ashford

The New York production of "Macbeth" was discussed on "The Charlie Rose Show" - featuring Sir Kenneth Branagh, Alex Kingston and director, Rob Ashford.  The first section of the video is basically Sir Kenneth Branagh - but if you want to skip through to the Kingston then go to around 34 minutes:

Thursday 19 June 2014

"The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot" - The Sequel

It's safe to say that one of the highlights of the 50th Anniversary was the quite superb "Five(ish) Doctors Reboot" which, incidentally, is still available to watch online.  Well, it appears that there's a sequel in the works.  Paul McGann was speaking at the Cambridge Union Society and let slip the news about the sequel which was reported in the Cambridge News:
Appearing at the final event of the Cambridge Union Society’s Easter term, McGann also revealed that production had begun on a sequel to The Five(Ish) Doctors Reboot – the acclaimed comedy that saw writer-director Peter Davison teaming up with fellow ex-Time Lords McGann, Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy to try to secure a place in the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special.
You have to wonder if this news is also linked to a photo tweeted by Ben Foster earlier - are they working on the music already?

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Another Award for "The Day of the Doctor" and Keeley Hawes talks about Doctor Who

"The Day of the Doctor" won the "Best of British TV Programme or Series Award" at last night's Freesat Awards - I think the production office might need more shelves to accommodate the sheer number of awards won by the 50th Anniversary Special so far.

Another winner last night was "Line of Duty" and it's star, Keeley Hawes, spoke to The Independent about Peter Capaldi and her upcoming "Doctor Who" episode:
“We were in a terrible thing together years ago but a really, good fun thing.  So, I knew him and Douglas McKinnon who directed the first three episodes of Line of Duty was directing it, so I felt very relaxed about that.  But he’s just brilliant. Peter Capaldi is just fabulous – I think everyone’s going to love him.”
“It was quite nerve-wracking going on such a big show.  It feels like a big show because it is so well known and people love it so much, there’s a big old Who fanbase out there, so you’ve got all that pressure. I hope people enjoy my episode – it’s really good fun.”

Sunday 15 June 2014

Video - "Chasing Shadows" - Alex Kingston - ITV Preview

After getting their delicates in a twist and forcibly removing the trailer for "Chasing Shadows" from youtube and dailymotion, ITV have finally released a short video preview and brief show description:

Chasing Shadows is a thrilling, new four-part drama, which focuses on the work of a missing persons field unit charged with tracking down serial killers who prey on impressionable and vulnerable people.
Reece Shearsmith will play DS Sean Stone and his partner, Ruth Hattersley is played by Alex Kingston, whilst Noel Clarke takes on the role of DI Prior.

Still hearing a transmission date of September - but please note that this has not been confirmed by ITV yet.

Saturday 14 June 2014

The Minister of Chance - Prologue Online Premiere and Feature Film Funding Campaign

Oh yes - we hoped ... boy, did we hope.  They're going for the feature film!  Honestly, I really did punch the air in delight when this news broke.

As you know, "moguls" who funded the prologue via buying various perks have already seen the original version of the prologue - but on Sunday 22 June 2014 the Minister team will premiere a Director's Cut to coincide with their feature film funding campaign launch.   The prologue will be free to watch online.

Spread the word, people.  Use the image above or the Facebook and Twitter headers below - and don't forget to be online and ready at midday GMT on Sunday 22 June 2014:

Twitter header - open in new tab for full size

Facebook header - open in new tab for full size

Friday 13 June 2014

Doctor Who Experience to close for 6 weeks for "regeneration"...

The Doctor Who Experience in Cardiff will close on 1 September 2014 for 6 weeks as the existing "immersive adventure" storyline featuring the 11th Doctor and the Pandorica is to be refreshed.  Upon it's return at the end of October, the Experience will also feature props from the forthcoming Series 8:
"Times change, and so must I" said the Doctor, on the verge of his unprecedented thirteenth regeneration - and the same is true for Cardiff's Doctor Who Experience. 
Fans will only have until Sunday 31 August to fly the TARDIS and rescue the Eleventh Doctor - played by Matt Smith - from the Pandorica, as the existing storyline in the Experience's immersive adventure is to be refreshed. More details will be announced about the updated storyline later this year. 
Fans wishing to take part in the current adventure can still book tickets up until the end of August at ». 
The entire Experience, including its vast exhibition of Doctor Who sets, props and costumes, will close on 1 September for around six weeks. 
When the attraction re-opens in time for the school holidays at the end of October, it will also welcome props from Series 8, the highly anticipated debut series of the Twelfth Doctor played by Peter Capaldi. 
The Doctor Who Experience are also announcing the return of their popular Walking Tours - guided trips around 30+ filming locations in Cardiff, from New New York to Apalapucia. The Tours will run every Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 14 June until 20 July, with more dates to be added throughout the summer holidays. Check the website for availability. 
In 2014, the Doctor Who Experience was awarded the Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence. The certificate was granted based on the quality of reviews and opinions that we have earned on Trip Advisor over the past 12 months.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

"World Tour" to promote Series 8

BBC Worldwide have announced a "global publicity tour" to promote Series 8.  Peter Capaldi, Jenna Coleman and Steven Moffat will visit 7 cities in 5 continents in 12 days:
Following on from last year's global smash-hit 50th anniversary, BBC Worldwide announce a major global publicity tour to launch the new series of Doctor Who and introduce Peter Capaldi as the new Doctor. Doctor Who: The World Tour will begin in the UK on August 7 and finish in Brazil on August 19. 
The trip will see Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi, on-screen companion Jenna Coleman, and the show’s lead writer and executive producer Steven Moffat*, visit seven cities across five continents in 12 days, where they will attend fan events and media interviews, publicising Series 8 to a global audience.
The tour marks the largest ever promotional undertaking in Doctor Who’s 50-year history and will kick off in Welsh capital and home of the series' production,  Cardiff,  before taking in London (UK),  Seoul (South Korea),  Sydney (Australia),  New York (US),  Mexico City (Mexico) and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). More details of the itinerary will be available from soon, as well as reports from the tour as it happens, which fans everywhere will be able to enjoy across social and digital platforms. 
Peter Capaldi has commented on his excitement ahead of the tour: “It’s fantastic that so many people across the world love Doctor Who. After 8 months solid filming deep in the world of monsters, Jenna and I are thrilled to be heading for the Planet of Fans”. 
Executive producer and lead writer Steven Moffat adds: “I've always thought we'd all be a lot safer if the Doctor conquered the world, instead of the Daleks. Now with Jenna and Peter leading the charge, it looks like it's going to happen. I'll be bringing up the rear to handle the exposition scenes, and maybe carry some bags.” 
Doctor Who Series 8 is due to premiere in the UK in August. US broadcaster BBC America will transmit on the same day. Doctor Who is distributed by BBC Worldwide to over 200 territories. 
*Due to production commitments, Steven Moffat will be unable to attend to the entire tour. The cities he will join the tour for will be announced soon.

Sunday 8 June 2014

"Chasing Shadows" - Alex Kingston - Promo Image

A new promo image and trailer have emerged for "Chasing Shadows", the ITV drama featuring Alex Kingston, Noel Clarke and Reece Shearsmith.  Both the trailer and image are below (the promo image is also in the Coppermine Gallery).  It looks good - and rumour is that we'll get to see this 4 episode series in September.

 UPDATE - The trailer has been removed from both youtube and dailymotion due to copyright claims by ITV studios.

Friday 6 June 2014

Photos - Alex Kingston - Macbeth Opening Night After Party

Kenneth Branagh's very successful production of "Macbeth" is currently playing at the Park Avenue Armory in New York.  The play opened last night and, courtesy of, below are photos of Alex Kingston from the After Party.  The photos are also in the Coppermine Gallery.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Glamour Awards - Matt Smith: "I'm not offended, have you seen this face?"

At the 2014 Glamour Awards last night, Matt Smith agreed with Steven Moffat's comment that he is the "strangest looking man" from a certain angle.  The Press Association issued a short news release/interview with Matt and Jenna from last night's awards:
Matt Smith has said he is not offended after Doctor Who boss Steven Moffat branded him "odd looking". 
Writer Steven has said that "handsome men don't quite suit" the part, and that the Time Lords had to be "utterly compelling, attractive in a very odd way". 
He described the new Doctor, Peter Capaldi, as odd looking, while adding that Matt is the "strangest looking man" from a certain angle. 
But Matt, who is pursuing his Hollywood career with new movie Terminator: Genesis alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger, brushed off the comment. 
"I'm not offended, have you seen this face?" he said at the Glamour Women Of The Year Awards. 
Asked about his heartthrob status, he quipped: "They must have been looking at it from a certain angle." 
Meanwhile, Jenna Coleman, who was companion to Matt's Doctor and is now filming scenes with Peter Capaldi, praised her new, older co-star as " very charismatic". 
"I love working with him, it's a totally different dynamic," she said. 
Steven has revealed that the next series of Doctor Who will see some major changes.But Jenna, who was named best UK TV actress at the awards bash, said she couldn't divulge any details. 
"I'm really scared, I'm not allowed. I'm having dinner with Steven soon so I can't say anything," she said. "But the show's on top form." 
And she said of the Doctors' looks: "I couldn't possibly comment!" 
Peter replaced Matt as the Doctor in the final scene of last year's Christmas special and Steven has suggested that the casting of Peter as the 12th incarnation of the Time Lord has brought about much-needed tweaks. 
"We haven't made much of a change to Doctor Who since it came back in 2005. It's been the same show. It's maybe amped some things up and lowered some other things, but it's basically the same," he said. 
"I just felt it needs to be a bit more different now. It needs to be surprising again!" he said of the show, which is expected to begin in August.  
Photos of Matt, Jenna and Billie Piper from last night's Glamour Awards are in the Coppermine Gallery.


Yahoo News
Press Association

Photos - Jenna Coleman and Matt Smith - Glamour Awards 2014

Glamour Magazine's Women of the Year Awards took place tonight and Jenna Coleman won the UK TV Actress Award - presented to her by Matt Smith.  Photos below are courtesy of,  jennalouisecolemanfrance.netGlamour Magazine and Sherry.  You can also find these in the Coppermine Gallery.

Sunday 1 June 2014

The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot to be Released on DVD

According to reports from today's Doctor Who Appreciation Society "Myth Makers" event, Colin Baker revealed that "The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot" is be released on DVD as part of an as yet unscheduled set featuring Matt Smith.

Rumours have been rife for a while that there will be a special 50th Anniversary set combining all the various specials, behind the scenes etc, and, no doubt, "The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot" would have to be a part of any such set.

More news as we hear it....