
Thursday 30 January 2014

Matt Smith News: "How to Catch A Monster" Set For October Release?

Remember this?  Our first clue that maybe Matt Smith would shortly be leaving "Doctor Who" was when he was photographed last year on the set of the Ryan Gosling film "How To Catch A Monster".  Since filming finished there's been a severe lack of information surrounding a release date however it seems that this might have just changed.  In an interview on the Urban Outfitters Blog, musician Johnny Jewel (member of "Glass Candy" and "Chromatics") talked about scoring the film and mentioned when it might be released:
The project I'm most excited for outside of the bands is this film I'm scoring that was written by Ryan Gosling How to Catch a Monster. It's his first feature-length as a director. He's not in it. It stars Christina Hendricks, Saorise Ronin, Ben Mendelsohn, and the dude that plays Doctor Who [Matt Smith]. He's crazy, he's the villain. He's really disturbing, and psychotic. He has a shaved head, and he wears this gold lamé jacket and drives around with a beat up chair on top of a convertible in dying Detroit. The soundtrack is incredible. We've been working on it since February. It's gonna come out in October, and it's gonna be really cool. This French cinematographer shot it, so it's absolutely gorgeous if you like beautiful but strange cinema.
As the interview took place over the weekend of 4/5 January 2014 then it's assumed they've been working on the soundtrack since February 2013 and release is due October 2014 - not too far away but worth keeping an eye on various film festivals from Summer onwards.

Thanks to Ryan Gosling Addicted for the heads up on this.

Video - Peter Capaldi talks about Cardinal Richelieu

The BBC have released a short video of Peter Capaldi talking about Cardinal Richelieu from "The Musketeers" - certainly sounds like he really enjoyed this role:

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Photos - Season 8 Filming - Queen Street, Cardiff

Well, you can understand why the BBC issued the first official photo of Peter Capaldi in his new costume yesterday because this morning both Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman were filming in the centre of Cardiff.  The photos below are all copyright to Ryan Farrell so please credit Ryan if reposting these photos anywhere.  You can see more at Ryan's Flickr Photostream but, once again, please ensure you credit Ryan when reposting.

Monday 27 January 2014

Photo - Peter Capaldi's Season 8 Costume Revealed

The BBC have released the first image of Peter Capaldi's Season 8 costume - right click and open in new tab/window for larger version.  BBC press release below.

The press release from the BBC reads:
The Doctor has a new look as Peter Capaldi’s era officially begins.  In a picture released today by the BBC, Capaldi can be seen in the costume that will define his time as the Twelfth Time Lord in one of TV’s biggest roles.  Sporting a dark blue Crombie coat with red lining, dark blue trousers, a white shirt as well as black Dr. Marten shoes, the look was created by Doctor Who costume designer Howard Burden.  
Commenting on his costume, Peter Capaldi said: “He's woven the future from the cloth of the past. Simple, stark, and back to basics. No frills, no scarf, no messing, just 100 per cent Rebel Time Lord.”  While lead writer and executive producer Steven Moffat added: “New Doctor, new era, and of course new clothes. Monsters of the universe, the vacation is over - Capaldi is suited and booted and coming to get you!” 
Filming for episode one of series 8 began earlier this month, after 10.2 million tuned-in on Christmas Day to get their first much-anticipated glimpse of Capaldi’s Doctor.  Charlotte Moore, Controller of BBC One, commented: "Peter Capaldi's Doctor is officially recorded in history today with the unveiling of his new costume.  It's sharp, smart and stylish - The Twelfth Time Lord means business."   
Doctor Who is a BBC Cymru Wales production for BBC One.

Sunday 26 January 2014

Screencaps - Matt Smith - "Behind the Scenes - Radio Times Cover Shoot"

A batch of Matt Smith screencaps from the "Behind the Scenes of the Radio Times Cover Shoot" video (you can watch it here) have been uploaded to the Coppermine Gallery.  Samples below - right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions - please feel free to take and use:

Thursday 23 January 2014

Videos - NTA's Winners Room - Jenna Coleman Interviews

Jenna Coleman was interviewed last night in the National Television Awards Winner's Room.  In the videos below, she discusses Season 8, Peter Capaldi and Doctor Who fans:

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Photos - Jenna Coleman at the National Television Awards

Courtesy of, the Daily Mail and, below are some photos of Jenna Coleman at tonight's National Television Awards.  Right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions:

National Television Awards - Doctor Who Wins Best Drama

And we've done the double!  Following Matt Smith's win in the "Best Drama Performance" category, "Doctor Who" beat "Downton Abbey", "Call the Midwife" and "Broadchurch" to win "Best Drama" at this year's National Television Awards.

A double win - couldn't be better.  Fully deserved and well done to all the team.

Video - Matt Smith's NTA Thank You Message

And here it is - probably filmed on Matt's phone - the thank you message regarding his National Television Award:

National Television Awards - Matt Smith Wins Best Drama Performance

Well, four years in "Doctor Who", three seasons of the show and now two National Television Awards.  Matt beat Maggie Smith, Miranda Hart and Martin Clunes to win the award which was collected on his behalf by Steven Moffat and Jenna Coleman.

There will be a video message from Matt online later.

Very well done to Matt - and I guess it's proof that sometimes...just sometimes...the great unwashed British public DO know what they're doing.

Now we wait for the Best Drama category to see if "Doctor Who" can make it a double tonight.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Peter Capaldi - "The Musketeers" - New Promo Images

The BBC have released more promo images - for episode 2 of "The Musketeers".  Four promo images feature Peter Capaldi - right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions:

Saturday 18 January 2014

Review - "American Psycho - The Musical"

It's an intriguing concept - a musical version of something as controversial as "American Psycho" certainly raises eyebrows - but it's a concept that works ... and works superbly.  In fact, it works so well that I believe it lends clarity to the book - which is a remarkably ambiguous novel.  You sort of had two options in the book - either Patrick really killed those people or it was all in his head.  The musical isn't as ambiguous - and I very much appreciated that.

On first entering the theatre, what immediately struck us was that the Almeida Theatre is small - it seats just over 300 - and, as such, you really feel that you are a part of this experience, that Patrick is talking to YOU.  Patrick will make eye contact with and speak to the audience - asking one person if they liked his painting, for example.   The musical is more immersive because of this first person narrative - you're not an uninvolved watcher, you are instead WITH Patrick as he shows you what "being Patrick Bateman" means to him.  It's not just Patrick who involves the audience - Paul Owen's first appearance is walking down one of the theatre aisles and shaking hands with various audience members.

The set is gorgeous - so wonderfully 80's and the stage itself has rather neat "turntables" either side so new sets can be moved into place quickly.  It also allows people and objects to casually cruise around on them - brilliant during nightclub scenes etc.  Is it just the Almeida that has this?  I don't know if this is a normal thing with West End theatres (hey, I'm from Penzance...we don't get out much).  With a gorgeous set, stylish clothes and a flawless looking cast, the rest of the production had to be up to snuff - and it was.  The music (by Grammy and Tony Award winner, Duncan Sheik) was perfect - not a duff note anywhere.  It was a mix of 80's songs such as, obviously, "Hip to be Square", "True Faith" and "Everybody Wants to Rule the World" with new compositions such as "Not a Common Man", "Clean" and, my personal favourite, "This Is Not An Exit".

I expected "American Psycho - The Musical" to be a bit odd, possibly gory and violent.  The killings were done very well - with blood red projections on the scenery - and they had an unreal quality about them which was a good link to the fact that it was all happening in Patrick's head.  The only time you saw blood was following Paul Owen's murder - when Patrick appeared wearing the blood splattered rain coat and holding an axe.

What I didn't expect was that this production would be witty, extremely stylish and very thought-provoking.  I didn't think I would laugh during this - but there are some very witty lines and moments such as the now infamous business card scene, Patrick determining to kill Luis and then practically running away when Luis declares he's in love with him, etc.  It was also thought-provoking in that their obsessions with appearances and material gain still hold firm today - it's still identifiable.  It isn't "out of time" - it's most definitely up-to-date - worryingly so.

It's all very well having a good production - but you need a good cast to carry it off.  They struck gold here.  The cast are just superb.  I would single out two of the ladies for special kudos.  First,  Susannah Fielding who plays Patrick's girlfriend, Evelyn Williams.  Her character was vacuous and shallow - and Ms Fielding pulled it off with great aplomb.  Secondly, Cassandra Compton who played Patrick's secretary, Jean.  We all knew that Jean was in love with Patrick, which garnered a lot of sympathy from the audience and, in the wrong hands, Jean could have been insignificant or cloying.  She wasn't.  She was Patrick's redemption - and Ms Compton blew us away with her voice - she absolutely has the voice of an angel.

The casting of Patrick Bateman was all-important.  The main character who is on stage for 99% of the production.  Casting Matt Smith in the role of a psychopathic serial killer (who has to sing) raised some eyebrows.  It was probably a gamble on both sides but one that has paid off in spades.  Having read the book, I never really clicked with the Christian Bale version of Bateman...I thought he was too manic.  In Matt Smith, we have a Patrick Bateman you can believe.    He's creepy and intense, shallow and obsessed and, although he's not exactly what you would call a sympathetic character, you find yourself caring about him and feeling sorry for him especially when everything starts to unravel.  Matt's singing is remarkably good - he holds his own very well - and, in particular, his rendition of "This is Not an Exit" is utterly gorgeous.  Before this I never would have thought that Matt Smith could really sing and dance.  Trust me, he can - in fact, he's quite a fluid dancer.  I have to mention the body (it seems to be quite the talking point on social media).  Bateman is "ripped and toned" - and the moment Matt rises on stage wearing nothing but an eye mask and white underpants, the fact that there were some whimpers and gasps from people around us really says it all.

Matt Smith obviously put an awful lot of work into this - and I don't just mean the body, although 9 weeks of intensive training apparently went in to that particular transformation.  He's not a professional singer or dancer so presumably was heavily coached and trained for those aspects of the role.  On top of all that he still had an awful lot of lines to learn and a character to absorb.  Honestly, my admiration for him knows no bounds - and you have to wonder if there's anything he CAN'T do.  He took my breath away - what an absolutely incredible actor he is.  

I really, really want to see this show again.  It was delicious and sublime.  So many scenes are burned onto my mind - that body, the nightclub killings, the sex scenes (yes, he has a threesome with Luis' girlfriend, Courtney and a giant pink teddy bear but him having sex with a dead body in a nightclub was worryingly hot) and, of course, the gorgeous songs. Unfortunately, there's not much chance to see it again unless it transfers to the West End or something.  It finishes at the Almeida on 1 February and you can queue for day or return tickets: more information here.  In the meantime, keep your fingers crossed for a Cast Soundtrack release or even a DVD recording.  

Rating:  11 out of 10 - more than perfect.  


Friday 17 January 2014

Video - Behind the Scenes of the Radio Times Matt Smith Cover Shoot

Radio Times photographer, Mark Harrison, has uploaded the behind the scenes video of Matt Smith's final Radio Times cover shoot.  This was previously only available on ipad.  You can watch it below:

Behind The Scenes of Mark Harrison Radio Times Doctor Who Christmas Cover Shoot 2013 from Mark Harrison on Vimeo.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Photos - Alex Kingston at the premiere of "Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit"

Courtesy of, below are a batch of photos of Alex Kingston at the premiere of "Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit" in Hollywood.  As usual, right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions:

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Peter Capaldi - "The Musketeers" - Promo Images

The BBC have released a couple more promo images of Peter Capaldi in "The Musketeers" ahead of the first episode on BBC1 on Sunday - right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions:

Peter Capaldi - S8 Filming Pics and Video

Peter Capaldi was filming last night in Cardiff - and it seems that, once again, the Doctor will be saving the world in nightwear.  The following photos and video are courtesy of Ryan Farrell and I would recommend following him on Tumblr too.  Please make sure you credit Ryan when posting these pics anywhere: