
Tuesday 31 December 2013

Screencaps - Happy 50th - Arthur Darvill, Karen Gillan, Alex Kingston, Mark Sheppard

Screencaps from the "Happy 50th Anniversary" video featuring Arthur Darvill, Karen Gillan, Alex Kingston and Mark Sheppard have been uploaded to the new Coppermine Gallery.  Samples below - right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions - please feel free to take and use:

Sunday 29 December 2013

Screencaps - "The Time of the Doctor - Behind the Lens"

A large number of screencaps from "The Time of the Doctor - Behind the Lens" have been uploaded to our new Coppermine Gallery.  We will be slowly transferring some of the galleries from Flickr to Coppermine so at the moment, both galleries are still operational.  Sample below - right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions - please feel free to take and use.  Feedback on the layout etc of the new Coppermine Gallery is most welcome.

Sign the Petition for an "American Psycho - The Musical" Full Cast Recording Soundtrack Release

It's been talked about a lot on social media sites like Twitter and Tumblr - and now's the time to make your voice heard.

A full cast recording soundtrack release of "American Psycho - The Musical"?  Yes please.  So, if you want to hear Matt sing (and let's face it - who doesn't?) then simply go to the ipetitions link below and register your interest.

IPetitions - American Psycho - The Musical - Soundtrack Release

If the interest shown is high enough then hopefully this may persuade the powers-that-be that a release would be financially worthwhile.

UPDATE:  Confirmation that soundtrack will be forthcoming?  Looks like it (but still sign the petition):

"The Time of the Doctor" - Matt Smith's Ageing Make-Up Transformation Revealed

Courtesy of Gorton Studios, below are a series of photos showing the creation of the silicone ageing make-ups on Matt Smith from the initial sculpture through to the final old age look together with the more subtle ageing effect from earlier in the episode - right click and open in new tab/window for larger pictures:

Thursday 26 December 2013

Peter Capaldi - "The Musketeers" - Trailer and Promo Image

The BBC have released the first full trailer plus promo images for "The Musketeers" which begins on BBC1 in January.  Peter Capaldi is the "scheming, ruthless and pragmatic Cardinal Richelieu".  The Peter Capaldi promo image (and trailer) is below - right click and open in new tab/window for larger version.

Video - Behind the Scenes - "The Time of the Doctor" and Matt's Regeneration

If you can cope, the BBC have finally uploaded the full behind the scenes for "The Time of the Doctor" and Matt's regeneration.  Brace yourselves:

"The Time of the Doctor" - Overnight Viewing Figures

The overnight viewing figures have been released and "Doctor Who" managed some extremely good ratings.  "The Time of the Doctor" was the second most watched show of the day with 8.29million viewers and a 30.7% audience share.  "Mrs Brown's Boys" was the overall winner with 9.40million viewers.

However, "The Time of the Doctor" was the most watched drama of the day - and it also scored the peak audience when 10.2million tuned in at 8.25 to watch the regeneration.

The top 5 for the day in the overnights are:

1.  Mrs Brown's Boys - 9.40million
2.  Doctor Who - 8.29million
3.  Coronation Street - 8.27million
4.  Eastenders - 7.78million
5.  Strictly Come Dancing - 7.30million

Expect the consolidated viewing figures to be released next week.

Video - "The Time of the Doctor " - Deleted Scene

Courtesy, once again, of BBC America - and let's face it...we get more goodies from BBC America than we do from the BBC (which is somewhat irritating and pathetic) - below is a deleted scene from "The Time of the Doctor".  I wondered what happened to this - especially after all the filming pictures:

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Videos - "The Time of the Doctor" - Behind the Scenes videos

The BBC have released some behind the scenes videos following tonight's transmission of "The Time of the Doctor".  However, I'm sure most will watch these through a haze of tears:

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Goodbye, Eleven - Goodbye, Old Friend

Well, we are - our last Christmas together.  It seems like only yesterday when you, quite literally, crashed into our lives.  How were we to know that you - a strange looking chap with the oh-so-young face framing those oh-so-ancient eyes - would worm your way into our affections so quickly and so deeply?

Remember our first adventure?  Fish fingers and custard.  20 minutes to save the world.  There you were - Amelia Pond's (and ours) Raggedy Doctor putting on a show.  We fell for you, raggedy man, very quickly - and we fell hard.  Of course, for that first year, we were still getting to know you, still working our way past that bouncy, manic, child in a toyshop persona to see the sometimes self-loathing, distrustful yet caring and sympathetic alien beneath.  There was magic and delight in getting to know you and by the end of our first year, we just knew that you, my friend, are something special.

Oh, it wasn't all plain sailing.  We had our moments, didn't we?  Faking your own death, travelling alone (you WERE warned, my dear), Trenzalore, The Silence, the weight of cumulative loss that finally broke you, that caused you to retreat from the universe and spend 200 years on top of a cloud... good lord, you know how to sulk, don't you?  Thankfully, you were tempted off your cloud, picked up another stray and off we were again.  Talking of strays ... you know that if you loved someone then we'd love and care for them too?  Amy, Rory, Clara - if they travelled with you then they became a part of us too.  The Girl Who Waited, The Last Centurion and The Impossible Girl - they all intrigued and delighted you in some way so you took them with you and showed them the Universe.  You showed us too.  We were there, in that glorious box, experiencing and living it with you and your friends.  You changed them.  You made them better.  Did you really think you wouldn't do the same to us too?  We are all better, happier and wiser for having known you.

There is one important person we haven't mentioned yet.  Your wife... River Song.  You had no idea who she was at first - she knew more than you and, boy, did that wrong-foot you and throw you off your stride.  It was delicious seeing you flail around like that, seeing you try to wheedle information out of her - it was only later that the true tragedy revealed itself.  Constantly meeting in the wrong order, one always ahead of the other - we, like you, knew that she would end up at the Library and we were working our way back to the beginning.  Seeing how much she loved you, how she sacrificed everything for you... and yet, we were still unsure.  A wedding on top of a pyramid, in an alternative dimension that didn't exist?  How typically timey-wimey of you.  Trenzalore, however, sealed the deal.  We saw it then.  We saw the depth of feeling you had for her and we hoped, we fervently hoped, that the two of you made the most of those "nights".  You deserved to be happy - both of you.

But, back to you, my friend.  You never disappointed us.  You taught us that bowties, fezes and stetsons were cool, you helped us develop a love for jammie dodgers - and yes, most of us have indeed savoured the intriguing combination of fish fingers and custard.  We love - and that's not too strong a word - every single thing about you.  From that floppy hair to those gorgeous and expressive eyes. From the brown tweed to the purple frock-coat.  From that large chin to those large hands.  From your confident dexterity whilst operating the Tardis to sometimes having the co-ordination of a newborn giraffe.  From your little catchphrases to your big, emotional and epic speeches.  Let's face it - nobody does big, emotional and epic quite like you.

So, we're closing in on the end .. the final chapter - with not much possibility of an afterword from you - and there are a few things we'd like to say to you.  Thank you.  Thank you for giving us hope.  Thank you for making us smile and laugh during times we never thought we would.  Thank you for the fun, the excitement and the tears.  Most of all though - and we're going to paraphrase your missus here if that's okay - we can't let you die without knowing that you are loved - by so many and so much - and by no-one more than us.

Time for one last journey before saying goodbye.

We're going to miss you, raggedy man.

New - Almeida Theatre - American Psycho ipad App

The Almeida Theatre now have an ipad app called "Almeida Theatre Publications".  The initial app is free and once you've downloaded and opened it, you're given the opportunity to purchase - for £1.49 - the American Psycho "publication".

This consists of what appears to be the theatre programme itself (I obviously haven't seen the programme) with the tracklist - plus two playable tracks:  "You Are What You Wear" (no Matt singing but you do get to hear him talk) and "Mistletoe Alert (again, no Matt).  It also has an essay about Patrick Bateman by Mary Harron, a "catch up" with Bret Easton Ellis and a lovely interactive map of New York which enables you to click on various places for more info such as "The Four Seasons" which comes up with "Well, I do have an early lunch with Cliff Huxtable at the Four Seasons" etc.

Other features of the app include an article by music journalist Paul Morley about Patrick Bateman and the music of the 80's, the Mr Porter photos, some rehearsal photos and a really terrific article about the "Making of a New Musical" which features quotes from the writer, some early set design concepts, a page of the musical score and a page of the script with handwritten notes on it.  There's a video interview with some of the cast (no Matt), a Spotify mixtape of 80's tunes selected by the cast and brief biographies of cast and crew.

Worth the £1.49?  Oh, you bet it is.

This ipad app is currently only available in the UK and you can download it and get more information here:

Almeida Theatre Publications - ipad app

Alternatively, of course, you can simply search in the ipad app store for "Almeida Theatre Publications".

Video - "The Time of the Doctor" - Preview Clip 3

The BBC have uploaded a third preview clip for "The Time of the Doctor" which airs on BBC1 tomorrow at 7.30pm:

Monday 23 December 2013

Video - Steven Moffat Talks About "The Time of the Doctor"

The BBC have released a short little video of Steven Moffat talking about "The Time of the Doctor" - and yes, there's going to be a payoff in the form of solving some mysteries about 11's era:

Video - Jenna Coleman Interview - BBC Breakfast

Jenna Coleman was interviewed on BBC Breakfast this morning where she discussed Matt's last episode and working with Peter Capaldi.  The video below is courtesy of Blogtor Who:

Video - "The Time of the Doctor" - Preview Clip 2

The BBC have uploaded a second preview clip for "The Time of the Doctor" - it's the same one as seen during the interview with Jenna Coleman on BBC Breakfast this morning.  The youtube version is below the BBC player version:

Sunday 22 December 2013

Screencaps - BBC America Insider - Matt Smith and David Tennant Talk Regeneration

A batch of screencaps from the BBC America Insider video where Matt Smith and David Tennant discuss regeneration (you can watch the video here) have been uploaded to the Flickr Gallery.  Samples below - right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions - please feel free to take and use:

Remember, we have over 100 Doctor Who screencap and photo galleries over at Flickr which are free for you to take and use.

Video - BBC America Insider - Matt Smith and David Tennant talk Regeneration

BBC America have uploaded their latest "insider" video and it features Matt Smith and David Tennant discussing regeneration and saying goodbye:

Saturday 21 December 2013

Screencaps - David Tennant and Matt Smith on "The Graham Norton Show"

I might have gone a tad overboard but a large number of screencaps of David Tennant and Matt Smith on "The Graham Norton Show" have been uploaded to the Flickr Gallery.  Samples below - right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions - please feel free to take and use:

Remember, we have over 100 Doctor Who screencap and photo galleries over at Flickr - and feel free to take whatever you need. 

Friday 20 December 2013

Screencaps - "The Time of the Doctor" First Preview Clip

Screencaps from the first preview clip from "The Time of the Doctor" have been uploaded to the Flickr Gallery.  As usual, samples below - right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions - please feel free to take and use:

Remember - we have over 100 various Doctor Who screencap and photo galleries over at Flickr for you to download. 

"The Time of the Doctor" - First Preview Clip

The BBC have released the first preview clip for "The Time of the Doctor" - and in it, Clara and the Doctor have turkey issues:

Thursday 19 December 2013

"The Time of the Doctor & Other Eleventh Doctor Christmas Specials" DVD/Blu-Ray Available to Pre-Order (UK)

The BBC Shop now have the UK version of "The Time of the Doctor" available for pre-order on DVD and Blu-Ray.  The set contains the following:

"A Christmas Carol" - 2010 Christmas Special
"The Doctor, The Widow and The Wardrobe" - 2011 Christmas Special
"The Snowmen" - 2012 Christmas Special
"The Time of the Doctor" - 2013 Christmas Special

The set also contains the following bonus features:

"Behind the Lens"
"Tales from the Tardis"
"Farewell to Matt Smith"

The set is due for release in the UK on 20 January 2014.  Pre-Order details below:

DVD - £13.99 from the BBC Shop

Blu-Ray - £17.49 from the BBC Shop

Two New "Nearly Naked Matt" Pics from "The Time of the Doctor"

Oh yes.  We hoped the Moff's quote about nudity would refer to Mr Smith - and judging by the pics below... it does:

Oh - right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions...

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Screencaps - BBC America's "Exclusive Extended" Trailer for "The Time of the Doctor"

A batch of screencaps from BBC America's "exclusive extended" trailer for "The Time of the Doctor" (you can watch it here) have been uploaded to the Flickr Gallery.  Samples below - right click and open in new tab/window - please feel free to take and use:

Don't forget - we have over 100 various Doctor Who screencap and photo galleries over at Flickr.