
Wednesday 30 October 2013

"An Adventure in Space and Time" - New Posters and Promo Image

Thanks to below are the two new posters together with a new promo image from "An Adventure in Space and Time"  - right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions:

Photos - Peter Capaldi - "Dom Hemingway" Premiere

Courtesy of and, below are photos of Peter Capaldi at last night's premiere of "Dom Hemingway" at The Curzon, Mayfair, London (right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions):

Tuesday 29 October 2013

"An Adventure in Space and Time" - Press Release/Mark Gatiss Interview

The BBC Media Centre have released a press pack for "An Adventure in Space and Time" featuring interviews with the cast together with Mark Gatiss.  The introduction reads:
This special one-off drama travels back in time to 1963 to see how the beloved Doctor Who was first brought to the screen. 
Actor William Hartnell felt trapped by a succession of hard-man roles. Wannabe producer Verity Lambert was frustrated by the TV industry’s glass ceiling. Both of them were to find unlikely hope and unexpected challenges in the form of a Saturday tea-time drama, time travel and monsters! 
Allied with a team of brilliant people, they went on to create the longest-running science fiction series ever, now celebrating its 50th anniversary. 
Written by Mark GatissExecutive produced by Mark Gatiss, Steven Moffat and Caroline SkinnerDirected by Terry McDonoughStarring David Bradley (William Hartnell); Jessica Raine (Verity Lambert); Sacha Dhawan (Waris Hussein); Lesley Manville (Heather Hartnell) and Brian Cox (Sydney Newman).
The Mark Gatiss interview is reproduced below:

What can viewers expect from the drama?
Principally, it's the story of how Doctor Who was created, so we concentrate on the very beginnings and the first few episodes. There are lots of treats for the fans but it's also the story of William Hartnell, the first Doctor and how the part transformed his life.
Why did you want to tell this story?
I'm a life-long Doctor Who fan and the origins of this beloved show have always fascinated me. But, above all, I wanted it to strike a chord on a human level. These were brilliant, complex, talented people making something revolutionary. And, in William Hartnell, we have the very affecting story of a man redeemed by the role of a lifetime who then, sadly, had to let it go. I think we can all relate to something like that in our lives.
What was the casting process like? Did you set out to find such good lookalikes?
I'd had David Bradley in mind for some years but it wasn't simply a question of a good likeness! David is such a fine and delicate actor, I knew he'd find something wonderful in the part. With everyone else, I stressed that we must first and foremost get the right people for the job. But it turned out the right people also bear the most amazing resemblances to the originals! Costume and make-up, of course, played a huge part in that.
Could you explain a little bit about the research process?
Doctor Who is probably unique in terms of TV shows in that its history has been exhaustively researched for years. Happily, this means that there are lots of interviews existing with people who are no longer with us. I'd wanted to tell the story for years – I sort of grew up with it. How no-one wanted the Daleks. About the first episode going out just after JFK was shot. But I wanted to get deeper than just the details of production and find the human story. I conducted new interviews with a lot of the original cast and crew. They were all hugely enthusiastic and very helpful.
Did you uncover any facts or information that you didn’t previously know as a Doctor Who fan?
A few bits and bobs but, as I say, most of it is very well documented now! It was very touching, though, to talk to people about a part of their loves that was often very happy and to discuss people long gone.
There were so many people involved in the show’s beginnings, why did you decide to focus on the four central characters of Hartnell, Newman and Lambert and Hussein?
I had to focus it down. Simple as that. This is a drama, not a documentary, and though it's extremely painful to have to leave out some people who played a huge part, it makes dramatic sense. You simply can't do everyone justice in 90 minutes. For instance, the story of how Terry Nation and Ray Cusick created the Daleks is almost a film all on its own! Jeff Rawle plays Mervyn Pinfield, who was the Associate Producer, and his character sort of absorbs several others including Donald Wilson and the brilliant David Whitaker – the first script editor - whose contribution was immeasurable.
Set in the 1960s the drama brings to life that era through the costumes, hair and make-up and the sets, including the first ever TARDIS console. What was it like being on set?
It was extraordinary. To see the original TARDIS recreated genuinely took my breath away and everyone who came to the set had the same reaction. It was frequently quite uncanny. We used some of the original Marconi cameras and, on the black and white monitors, seeing David, Jemma, Jamie and Claudia was like looking back through Time. Spooky and very moving.
Finally, what do you hope audiences take away from the drama?
This is my love-letter to Doctor Who! In this 50th anniversary year, I hope fans will enjoy and be thrilled by it and all the kisses to the past it's laden with. But my greatest wish is that it appeals to people who know very little or nothing about Doctor Who and see the struggle of talented people (almost) accidentally creating a legend!
Here are the links to the rest of the interviews:

David Bradley Interview

Jessica Raine Interview

Brian Cox Interview

Sacha Dhawan Interview

Monday 28 October 2013

Happy Birthday, Matt Smith!

31 today - where does the time go?  Seems like only yesterday you strode onto the Tardis ... a fresh-faced youngster ... and now ... well, you're STILL a fresh-faced youngster.  Remember this?  The first interview after being cast as the Eleventh Doctor?

Awww, so cute.  You surprised many of us by being so damn good in the role - it was unexpected that someone so young could portray someone SO old but you did it with ease.  You sucked us in and gave us the glorious character of the Eleventh Doctor:

Video courtesy of MrLazarus01

Have a great day, Matt.  Eat lots of cake, have lots of fun because, trust me, we're celebrating your birthday with cake too...

Saturday 26 October 2013

Screencaps - "Rain Gods" Minisode

A batch of screencaps from the Season 7 DVD Minisode, "Rain Gods" have been uploaded to the Flickr Gallery.  As usual, samples below - right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions - feel free to take and use:

Friday 25 October 2013

Rehearsal Images - "American Psycho - The Musical" - Matt Smith

Once again, the Almeida Theatre Facebook page comes up trumps with a few more rehearsal images from "American Psycho - The Musical".  Right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions:

Wednesday 23 October 2013

"An Adventure in Space and Time" - More Promo Images

The BBC have released 3 more promo images from the upcoming drama "An Adventure in Space and Time" - right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions:

Tuesday 22 October 2013

"The Day of the Doctor" - UK Cinema Screenings Announced

BBC Worldwide have announced the locations for the 3D cinema screenings of "The Day of the Doctor" in the UK.   216 Vue, Cinewold, Odeon, BFI and Picturehouse Cinemas will participate with tickets going on sale from Friday 25 October 2013 at 9am.

To find your nearest participating cinema then simply use the location map at

Saturday 19 October 2013

Screencaps - 50th Anniversary Trailer

So, the 50th Anniversary trailer aired earlier tonight - if you missed it you can watch it here - and it was full of interesting little items such as the Doctor's fobwatch, the Key to Time, Tardis key, an Ood, D84 and many other things.  It's something you'll need to watch time and time again (and how about hearing Paul McGann repeating Matt's speech?) but, in the meantime, I've uploaded a large number of screencaps from the trailer to the Flickr Gallery.  Samples below - right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions - and please feel free to take and use:

Video - BBC 50th Anniversary Trailer

Well, here it is - the BBC 50th Anniversary trailer - actually, I really enjoyed it....

Trailer to Air Tonight plus New Promo Image

After rumours flooded twitter earlier, the BBC have finally confirmed that A trailer will air just prior to "Atlantis" at 8.20pm tonight - right click and open the above image in new tab/window for larger version.  The press release reads:
A specially created trailer celebrating the last 50 years of Doctor Who will air tonight on BBC One, as an exclusive image is revealed today featuring the 11 Doctors. 
Travelling through time fans will be taken on a journey from the very beginning using state of the art technology.  The special trailer is set to show all of the Doctors as they first appeared on screen, including William Hartnell in high res colour for the very first time, as celebrations ramp up to the 23 November. 
A huge moment for the BBC, the 50th celebrations will culminate with the special episode, ‘The Day of the Doctor’, starring Matt Smith, David Tennant and Jenna Coleman with Billie Piper and John Hurt.  A whole range of shows have also been commissioned across TV and radio to mark the anniversary. 
The minute long trailer will air after Strictly Come Dancing tonight on BBC One and will be also be available on
The BBC have also confirmed that NO footage from "The Day of the Doctor" will be included in this trailer.  So the wait goes on...

Friday 18 October 2013

More Rehearsal Images - Matt Smith - "American Psycho - The Musical"

Courtesy of the Almeida Theatre Facebook Page, below are more photos from rehearsals of "American Psycho - The Musical" - right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions:

Rehearsal Images - Matt Smith - "American Psycho: The Musical"

Courtesy of The Doctor Who Archive, below are 2 new rehearsal images from "American Psycho: The Musical".  Matt certainly looks the part:

Promo Images - "An Adventure in Space and Time"

The BBC have released some promo images for Mark Gatiss' "An Adventure in Space and Time".  The photos feature David Bradley as William Hartnell, Jemma Powell as Jacqueline Hill, Jamie Glover as William Russell, Claudia Grant as Carole Ann Ford, Sacha Dhawan as Waris Hussein, Jessica Raine as Verity Lambert and Brian Cox as Sydney Newman.  Right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions:

"An Adventure in Space and Time" will air on the BBC over the Anniversary weekend.

Wednesday 16 October 2013

"The Day of the Doctor" - 6 New Promo Images

The BBC have released another 6 promo images from "The Day of the Doctor" - as usual, right click and open in new tab/window for larger versions: