Monday, 30 April 2012

DWM 447 - Cover and Content Details

"Doctor Who Magazine" have released the cover art for issue 447 which will be in the shops on Thursday 3 May 2012 priced £4.50.

Contents include an exclusive interview with Steven Moffat, the Daleks "greatest ever plans", "The Green Death", Philip Madoc tribute and lots more.

"Bert and Dickie" - New Article and Preview Screening

There's a new article in the "Henley Standard" regarding Matt Smith's forthcoming drama, "Bert and Dickie". The article is below - and it DOES mention a preview screening that will take place at the Kenton Theatre, Henley on Sunday. Please note that this screening is by invitation only so there are no tickets available to the public.

THE story of two Leander Club rowers who won gold at the 1948 Olympic Games has been immortalised in a new BBC drama.

Bert And Dickie tells how Bertram Bushnell and Richard Burnell paired up to win the double sculls event after a chance meeting at Henley Royal Regatta.

A preview of the 90-minute film, written by William Ivory, will be shown at the Kenton Theatre in Henley on Sunday.

Bushnell is played by Doctor Who star Matt Smith while Dickie Burnell is played by Sam Hoare, who has had roles in Captain America: The First Avenger, Doctors and EastEnders.

Much of the filming took place in Henley last July, when Smith could be seen wearing round-rimmed glasses, an Olympic vest and a white sculling hat.

Six Leander rowers were used as body doubles for the actors.

The drama will reveal how the rowers were paired up just six weeks before the Games and had to overcome class differences to achieve their dream on the Olympic regatta course in Henley.

Despite losing to France in the first round, Bushnell and Burnell won the repêchage and the semi-final.

They then beat the favoured Danish duo of Parsner and Larsen by two lengths to take the gold medal with Uruguay coming third.

The film also explores how London coped with staging the Olympics, which were known as the “austerity games” as they took place just three years after the the end of the Second World War. The capital was still being rebuilt and rationing remained.

A total of £760,000 was spent on the Games, all of which was said to be recouped in ticket sales and advertising. No new venues were built and athletes were housed in existing accommodation instead of an Olympic village.

Yesterday (Thursday), the boat used by Bushnell and Burnell was lifted into the New Street theatre, where it will be displayed during the screening. Members of the two men’s families will attend.

Susie Bushnell, the youngest of Bert’s three daughters, has already seen the film.

She said: “It is wonderful and really heartwarming and Matt Smith gives a fantastic performance. The rowing scenes are beautifully shot and I think the film is going to be a huge success.”

Miss Bushnell, who lives in Wimbledon, remembers playing with her father’s gold medal as a child.

She said: “During the Olympics we would invite our friends round and would play games in the garden, handing out the real gold medal as a prize to the winners.

“Dad was very casual about the actual medal and he did not talk about the Olympics much until the last few years of his life. He would talk about the training.”

Miss Bushnell said her father was a determined man, adding: “He was quite a character and quite bolshy. He loved his sport.”

Her daughter Molly, 17, was Bushnell’s youngest grand daughter.

She said: “Although Bert was a very untraditional man, he was a traditional grandfather. Unlike most men of his generation, he was not allowed to go off to the war because of his job, so his stories were about when he won the gold medal or spending time in Portugal.

“He didn’t speak about the Olympics and he was blasé about it as if it was something that everyone did.

“Being a sportsman was something that he was proud of, though not to the point of arrogance.”

Edward Simons, chairman of the Kenton Theatre trustees, said: “This is the equivalent of Chariots Of Fire for rowing. Whenever it has been shown there has not been a dry eye in the house. For the Kenton and for Henley this is a big deal and we are very excited about it.”

Bert And Dickie also stars James Frain as five-times Olympian Jack Beresford Jnr, who officiated at the 1948 Olympic regatta, Douglas Hodge as Bert’s father, John, and Geoffrey Palmer as Dickie’s father, Charles.

It will be screened on BBC1 later this year.

Friday, 27 April 2012

Matt Smith joins Disney Poetry Show

According to the BBC, Matt Smith is one of the stars taking part in a Disney tv show aimed at introducing poetry to young audiences:

Doctor Who star Matt Smith is to take part in a Disney TV show aimed at introducing poetry to young audiences.

The 29-year-old will perform one of the readings on A Poem Is, a "short-form" series that twins celebrity poetry recitals with classic Disney animation.

Smith will read Once They All Believed in Dragons by Jack Prelutsky, the first US Children's Poet Laureate.

The actor, who is currently filming his third Doctor Who series, said he had "always had an enthusiasm for poetry".

"It is so vital to my art to have an understanding and appreciation for classic literature," he went on.

According to the actor, A Poem Is offers "a whole new generation of young minds a way of learning and sharing poetry".

"The fact that it's set to some of the most iconic Disney animations just makes the whole experience so enjoyable."

Actor Richard Briers, comedian David Walliams and Downton Abbey actress Michelle Dockery will also lend their voices to the show, which begins on 30 April on the Disney Junior UK cable channel.

Jennifer Garner, Whoopi Goldberg, Kenneth Branagh and Owen Wilson are among the performers who have contributed to previous editions.

Source: BBC

Sunday, 22 April 2012

More episode 5 filming pictures - possible spoilers

Thanks to mugim0e for the following selection of pictures from last night's filming:

As you can see from the final picture, Mike McShane probably best known as Friar Tuck in "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" is guest starring in this episode.

Credit: mugim0e

She's back! *spoilers*

Courtesy of mybrightidea on Twitter and the article in 'The Sun', the first really clear picture of Alex Kingston reprising her role as River Song in Season 7 has emerged:

It's not the Season 5 "Angels" dress as has been previously speculated - so this should give cosplayers more to get their teeth into.

Oh and as it's the 22nd of April today, I guess I should say "Happy 1st Wedding Anniversary" to the Doctor and River...

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Merchandise Review - Eleventh Doctor Companion Volume 5

Volume 5 of this fantastic magazine series by "Doctor Who Magazine" takes us from "The God Complex" to "The Doctor, The Widow and The Wardrobe" and also includes two extras: "The Doctor Who Experience" and "The Crash of the Elysium".

84 pages of information - jam packed with photographs, some of which I've certainly never seen before - and all the usual features such as production/location details, connections, storylines, shooting script and, of course, lots of interviews.

This magazine is a godsend in so many ways - location-ites for example will love the detail, not only about where episodes were filmed but also when and who exactly was at the location in question. It's literally step by step - and for me, one of the best things is finding out how the episode changes from the initial script to the final edited episode. Details of draft scripts are included, together with which scenes were inserted later - such as in "The Wedding of River Song" when Producer Marcus Wilson felt that Amy's killing of Kovarian wasn't strong enough punishment for the character. Steven Moffat, therefore, decided to make it rather cruel - with Amy effectively killing her in cold blood.

The sheer amount of detail - and incredible quality of the photographs - make this a must buy. You can pick up a copy at most newsagents, order it online from The Who Shop or ring The Who Shop on 0208 471 2356. The magazine is priced at £4.99.

Filming Update: Episode 5 filming in Box Cemetery, Llanelli

According to "Your Llanelli", filming continues for episode 5 today in Box Cemetery, Llanelli:

As our exclusive picture shows, the Tardis has definitely landed in Llanelli!

Following a hot tip that there was a Time Rift in the Llanelli area, our intrepid reporter was sent to investigate. He didn't have to travel far, just up the road to the Box Cemetery.

There he found the battled damaged Tardis and the Doctor and companions busy trying to save the planet!

The Tardis, Matt Smith as the Doctor, Karen Gillan as Amy Pond, Arthur Darvill as Rory and Alex Kingston as River Song are filming part of the new Doctor Who series in the cemetery today.

So who is the Doctor battling in this episode?

Look at the picture, but be careful not to look away, as you can just about make out the body of a Weeping Angel. Sadly, the storyline just like the Weeping Angel was being kept underwraps but we all hope the Doctor triumphs again.

Although the article says "battle damaged", it looks more like the Tardis is being turned to stone. Updates on twitter have noted that Matt Smith and Karen Gillan are on location together with a "currently unidentified" woman.

EDIT: JNTSuxx on Twitter has added the following pic of Alex Kingston - so River Song WILL be around for Season 7:

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Pre-Order "Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock" on PS3

"Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock" on PS3 is now available for pre-order at Amazon. There's no actual release date yet but having it available for pre-order is a step in the right direction.

The product description on amazon reads:

Save the Future.

Play as the Doctor and River Song as they race to save the universe and time itself. Unravel the mystery of The Eternity Clock and stop its deadly path of destruction before it’s too late.

Outwit and destroy monsters including the Silence, Daleks, Silurians and Cybermen in an epic action-adventure

Time travel gameplay mechanics - changes to one time period affect the layout of another, solve puzzles across the centuries

Collaborative split-screen multiplayer - play together simultaneously and in different time periods

Innovative 2D to 3D camera switch play

An intriguing, expansive plot developed in collaboration with the team behind the TV show

There are also some new screenshots:

To pre-order, simply head over to: Doctor Who: The Eternity Clock on PS3

Friday, 13 April 2012

Behind-the-Scenes Pictures from the Official Site

The Official Doctor Who site have published 5 behind the scenes photos from the recent filming in New York. As usual, right click and open in new tab for the large versions:

Photos - NYC Filming Day 2

The second day of filming in New York saw the cast and crew at the Brooklyn Bridge, Tudor City and Grand Central Station. Below are some great pics from the Tudor City shoot.

Courtesy of

Video - "Emotional" scene from Central Park Filming - *Spoilers*

Warning - not only is this video's probably spoileriffic. Although the Moff has already said this episode would be "tragic" and "heartbreaking", the scene in this video was a bit unexpected. Matt Smith ... you should win all the awards.

Video courtesy of applesteveusa

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Photos & Videos from Central Park, NY Filming - *Spoilers*

There's certainly a wealth of "media" emerging from yesterday's rather public film shoot in Central Park. Below are more photos together with a few videos of the filming - please beware...the videos especially may be construed as "spoilers".

Photos courtesy of SFX and all images are copyright to Wenn. Please right click and open in new tab for the larger versions.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Action Figure Competition


Our fourth giveaway/competition gives you the chance to win two action figures. Yup, you get the figures shown above. They are both "Series 6 Wave 2"- one is the Eleventh Doctor with blue shirt and blue bow tie (and series 6 hair) and the other is River Song from series 5. Perfect for 11/River shippers!

We have one set of these to give away and no question to answer - competition is open to all - no restrictions on location as long as you have some kind of postal service!


1. Multiple entries from the same address are not allowed - and those entries will be disqualified.

2. Simply email me with your name, town and country - winner will be contacted by email to supply full address details.

3. The action figures are not being provided by any outside agency or promoter. The figures have already been purchased by ourselves and are still sealed. They will be despatched to the winner after the competition closing date.

4. The competition will end at midnight UK time on Wednesday 4 April 2012 and, a draw will take place on Thursday 5 April 2012 and the winner notified by email. The winner's first name and home town will be published on the website and the prize despatched to them on Friday 6 April 2012. The editor's decision on the identity of the winner is final.

5. All entries, names and particulars of entrants will be destroyed after the competition has concluded.


Again - no question to answer, simply Email me - with your full name, town and country before midnight on Wednesday 4 April 2012.

Good luck!

Photos - More "Doctor Who" in Central Park, NY have a large number of pictures from today's filming in Central Park. Mainly Matt Smith based - and here are a selection:

Photos - "Doctor Who" filming in Central Park, New York

Thanks to Ruther2 on Twitter for sourcing the following filming photos from Central Park, NY where the "Doctor Who" crew are working on episode 5. Alex Kingston is expected to join the cast tomorrow:

Courtesy of ahab99:

Courtesy of hubmedia:

Courtesy of annoregni

Courtesy of parallaxianjess

Obviously, more pics will emerge as the day goes on so it's definitely worth your while to follow Ruther2 on twitter - he's always on the ball as regards filming locations, photos etc.

EDIT: More photos can be found at Getty Images and

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Music Videos - 11th Era - Part 1

What's not to love about music videos? When done well they are superb. I'm pretty rubbish at them myself - I can never match the clips to the lyrics or the rhythm of the song. The ones I'm recommending here are pretty fantastic - and hopefully, this should become something of a weekly series. If you have some you'd like to recommend then let me know either by commenting below or emailing me:

First up, an Eleven/River video that will take your breath away. It's by Guardian Jupiter and you may recognise the music (it's been used in a trailer):

Now for a couple of Eleventh era tributes - both by VG934 and they are probably the videos I watch the most:

Next, a couple of "episode" videos - a "Day of the Moon" tribute by Tardistakeoff called "This is War"; Kolosigma's wonderful "Curse of the Black Spot" video set to the Muppets "Professional Pirate" and K9HumpsMyLeg tribute to "Closing Time" with "You've got a friend in me":

Next week, I'll put up some of the more character based videos together with some multi-era Anniversary tributes. Please recommend your own too.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Promos: Jenna-Louise Coleman and New Images from "Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon"

Thanks to for tracking down some new stills/promos.

Below is the new unwatermarked image of Jenna-Louise Coleman together with a few promos from "Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon" (these images seemed to be previously unavailable in the larger sizes). Right click and open in new tab for large versions. For the original, very large sizes, head over to


Saturday, 7 April 2012

"Doctor Who" gets 3 Hugo Nominations

The Hugo Award Nominations were announced today and "Doctor Who" was heavily represented in the "Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form" category. The full list of nominees in that category is as follows:

Doctor Who, ”The Doctor’s Wife”, written by Neil Gaiman; directed by Richard Clark (BBC Wales)

“The Drink Tank’s Hugo Acceptance Speech”, Christopher J Garcia and James Bacon (Renovation)

Doctor Who, ”The Girl Who Waited”, written by Tom MacRae; directed by Nick Hurran (BBC Wales)

Doctor Who, ”A Good Man Goes to War”, written by Steven Moffat; directed by Peter Hoar (BBC Wales)

Community, ”Remedial Chaos Theory”, written by Dan Harmon and Chris McKenna; directed by Jeff Melman (NBC)

Congratulations to Tom MacRae, Neil Gaiman, Steven Moffat and the rest of the team.

Screencaps from the first 2012 "Doctor Who" trailer

It's taken a while (due to my screencapping software having problems) but I've uploaded 40 HQ screencaps from the recent season 7 trailer. A few examples below but you can access the full album here: Trailer screencaps on flickr. As usual, feel free to take and use (no credit or anything necessary).

River's Sonic Screwdriver - Small Stock Available at "The Who Shop"

River Song's future Sonic Screwdriver seems to be difficult to find, however, The Who Shop now have a limited quantity available - and I do mean "limited".

The screwdriver retails at £39.99 and is not on their website yet. To order, just ring them on 0208-471-2356. The Who Shop is open today from 10.00 - 5.30 and Monday from 10.00 - 4.30. They do have a facebook page and twitter feed where new stock is announced prior to going on sale in their online shop:

The Who Shop on Facebook

The Who Shop on Twitter

Video - Behind the Scenes Interviews from the Doctor Who Convention

Courtesy of TheDoctorWhoMedia below are a series of short interviews with Steven Moffat, Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Mark Sheppard that took place behind the scenes at the Official Doctor Who Convention:

Steven Moffat talks about filming in New York:

Steven Moffat on the role of the Doctor's companions:

Friday, 6 April 2012

Season 7, Episode 5 Filming Photos

Some very public location filming in Cardiff for the upcoming Weeping Angels episode - the last Amy and Rory episode - has led to some rather good photos. Filming for this episode will move to New York later in the month.

Here's a selection of the photos from Alun Vega - and you can see his full photostream on flickr.